Vajrasattva Mantra lyrics in Sanskrit:
Om Benzar Sato Tei No Pa, Tisthira Dridho Me Bawa
Suto Khayo Mei Ba Wa Su Po Khayo Mei Ba Wa,
Anu Rakto Me Ba Wa,
Sar Wa Siddhi Mei Pra Yatsa, Sarwa Karma Sutsa Me, Tsi Tam Shri Yam,
Kuru Hung Ha Ha HaHa Ho Bagawan Sarwa Tathagata,
Benzar Ma Mei Muntsa Benza Bhawa Maha Samaya Sato Ah
Translation in English:
Oṃ Vajrasattva! Preserve the bond!
As Vajrasattva stands before me.
Be firm for me.
Be greatly pleased for me. Deeply nourish me. Love me passionately.
Grant me siddhi in all things, and in all actions make my mind most excellent.
Ha ha ha ha ho!
Blessed One! Vajra of all the Tathāgatas! Do not abandon me.
Be the Vajra-bearer, Being of the Great Bond! Ah.
100 syllable mantra short version
Vajrasattva (in Tibetan dorje sempa) is a Bodhisattva in the Mahayana Buddhist tradition and is linked with purification. The Bodhisattva manifests the purity of speech, body, and mind of all Buddhas. Bodhisattva Vajrasattva’s name means “Diamond Being” and signifies the “natural purity of the mind.”
In images, the Bodhisattva is represented in color white, which illustrates purity. The most distinctive symbols connected with Vajrasattva Bodhisattva are his ”bell” and ”vajra” (or Thunderbolt). The bell signifies wisdom, and the vajra signifies the Bodhisattva’s upaya or his skill in liberating beings by means of compassion.
The Meaning of Vajrasattva Mantra
„Oṃ Vajrasattva! Preserve the bond!” signifies that we are acknowledging our alienation from our true nature by calling upon Bodhisattva Vajrasattva to preserve the bond, or Samaya, whereby we do the Vajrasattva Bodhisattva invocation regularly and for his part response by bestowing upon us the fruits of the practice.
This “bond” represents a mutual commitment on the part of the practitioner and Bodhisattva Vajrasattva. In psycho-spiritual terms, if you strive to realize your own innate purity, your innate purity will strive to manifest itself from the depths of the unconscious.
„As Vajrasattva stands before me,” we call upon Vajrasattva Bodhisattva as a spiritual friend to manifest in our meditation and in our lives.
„Be firm for me” means that we entreat Vajrasattva Bodhisattva to be with us constantly. We are endeavoring to constantly come back to recognizing the mind’s true nature.
„Be greatly pleased for me. Deeply nourish me. Love me passionately.” Vajrasattva Bodhisattva becomes more like an intimate friend or even a lover and is no longer just a protector. He’s someone who knows us deeply and cares passionately for us. He is our own deepest nature, so at this stage in the mantra, we’re experiencing a reunion with ourselves.
„Grant me siddhi in all things, And in all actions make my mind most excellent.” We now embody the qualities of Vajrasattva Bodhisattva himself, and so to some extent, we have become him. Siddhi is a Sanskrit word that literally signifies “perfection,” “accomplishment,” “attainment,” or “success,” and it refers to spiritual power attained through practice.
„Ha ha ha ha ho!” This is the joyful sound of liberation. These five syllables are also said to represent the five Buddha families, which are all emanations of Bodhisattva Vajrasattva.
“Blessed One! Vajra of all the Tathagatas! Do not abandon me.” Having experienced the innate purity of the mind, we aspire always to stay in touch with it. The “Tathagatas” are the Buddhas, and the “Vajra of all the Tathagatas” is the innately pure nature of the Awakened mind.
„Be the Vajra-bearer, Being of the Great Bond!” This suggests that we are imploring Vajrasattva Bodhisattva to be meant for and a path to Enlightenment for all beings. He is the vajra-bearer (the representation of Awakening) for all sentient beings.
The syllable “Hum is added to the mantra when someone has died, and the syllable “Phat” is added in order to subdue demons. Without the Hum and the Phat, the mantra has exactly 100 syllables. The seed syllable Hum is shared by a number of Bodhisattvas and Buddhas, especially those connected with the Vajra family, of which Vajrasattva is the epitome. Other members are Akṣobhya and Vajrapaṇi.
READ MORE: Green Tara Mantra Meaning and Benefits
Benefits of Chanting Vajrasattva Mantra
Negative karma purification clears obstacles, brings peace, negative habits of all kinds and brings an enlightened state.
Gautama Buddha said:
„By chanting the 100-syllable mantra at the end of each practice, all mistakes or omissions made during the practice will be corrected and brought to perfection, like the brilliance radiating from a full moon. One will be forgiven by the Bodhisattvas and Buddhas.
Regular chanting of this mantra gives the significance of repentance, eradication of karmic obscurations, curbing the numerous evil thoughts and nipping evil thoughts in the bud, destroying all worries, subduing all maras and evils and causing all maras and evils to flee, and increasing one’s merits and virtue.”
Practice Explication
The practice of Bodhisattva Vajrasattva is especially effective for purifying negative karmic imprints created by the ten non-virtuous actions and transgressions of precepts, vows, and commitments.
In Tibetan Buddhism, the Bodhisattva Vajrasattva root tantra is Dorje Gyan, or “Vajra Ornament.” Vajrasattva practices are common to all of the four schools of Tibetan Buddhism and are used both to purify obscurations so that the Vajrayana student can progress beyond Ngondro practices to the various yoga practices of tantra and also purify any broken Samaya vows after initiation.
As such, the Vajrasattva practice is an essential element of Tibetan Buddhist practice.
This amazing mantra is also used in Ngondro practices (preliminary practices for all four Tibetan Buddhism schools). During the sadhana, the disciple is chanting this mantra one hundred thousand times combined with visualization meditation.
Listen on insightstate more soothing mantra, like Tumi Bhaja re Mana Mantra, Aum Mantra, Om Mani Padme Hum Mantra, or Great Compassion Mantra.