Living Luminaries: On the Serious Business of Happiness is a spiritual film that was released on May 15th 2007.
It is produced by Gotham Metro Studios Inc. (a multimedia production company which is focused on spiritual videos), written by Sean A. Mulvihill and Larry Kurnarsky, and directed by Larry Kurnarsky.
Living Luminaries: On The Serious Business of Happiness synopsis:
A young man is a personal quest to eliminate suffering from his life tries to learn how to be more fulfill and happy from a few wiser luminaries.
We will meet in the movie with:
- Dr. Robert Frager;
- Eckhart Tolle;
- Marc Emery;
- Marianne Williamson;
- Brandi Kelly;
- Don Miguel Ruiz;
- The Benedictine Monks of St. Andrews Abbey;
- Dr. Rev. Michael Beckwith;
- Rev. William Epps;
- Geronimo Ji Jaga (Pratt);
- Venerable Lama Chodak Gyatso Nubpa;
- Matthew Kelly;
- Nachum Shifren (The Surfing Rabbi);
- Dr. Obadiah S. Harris Ph.D;
- Rabbi Yitzchok Adlerstein;
- Gary Renard;
- Dr. Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey;
- Rev. Robert Schuller;
- Dr. Harry Morgan Moses.
In 2008, based on the movie Living Luminaries, was published the book “Living Luminaries: On the Serious Business of Happiness.”
Here is a little information about this book:
“From the makers of the feature film The Serious Business Of Happiness, the Living Luminaries is a distillation of the insight, wisdom, and personal experience of 14 extraordinary men and women who have spent years of study and contemplation in order to solve what might be described as the riddle of riddles, the one about happiness.
Living Luminaries is an introduction to these unique individuals and to their advice about how to be happy.
The book will roughly follow the form of the movies and will address the central problem of being alive which is how to optimize our lives so as to get the most out of our moments.
This is also called happiness and, of course, it is not as straight forward as it would seem. Most human beings are demonstrably not so good at the art of being happy. The purpose of this book, and the related feature documentaries is to lay out a map of the territory of Happiness.
Then each individual will have to plot his and her own unique way through the terrain but perhaps they will be comforted to learn through the reading of this little book or the watching of the movies that there are indeed guides available for the journey.”
Some of the quotes from the film:
Matthew Kelly:
”The Measure of your life is the measure of your courage.”
Marianne Williamson:
”God is the electricity and we are the lamps.”
Don Miguel Ruiz:
”Your mind is like a wild horse that takes you wherever it wants to take you.”
Don Miguel’s son:
”Tend to your garden every day because if there is a bad seed that gets put into your mind and you believe it, you believe that lie, that lie will begin to grow. As soon as you are able to stop that weed and not feed it, those lies will diminish and go away.”