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73 Spiritual Documentaries You Can Watch Online

41. Sikkim (1971)

42. The Lost Caves of Tibet

This documentary is the first of two which explore the cave temples found in Mustang, which is now a part of Nepal, though it was previously an independent kingdom.

43. Nassim Haramein – Black Whole

44. Doing Time, Doing Vipassana

This is the story of an ancient meditation technique named Vipassana, which shows people how to take control of their lives and channel them toward their own good.

It is the story of a strong woman named Kiran Bedi, the former Inspector General of Prisons in New Delhi, who strove to transform the notorious Tihar Prison and turn it into an oasis of peace.

But most of all it is the story of prison inmates who underwent profound change, and who realized that incarceration is not the end but possibly a fresh start toward an improved and more positive life.

45. Mystic India – The Incredible Journey of Inspiration

46. Living Yoga: The Life and Teachings of Swami Satchidananda

47. Tantra of Gyuto – Sacred Rituals of Tibet

Monks of the Gyuto Tantric College perform sacred Tibetan Buddhist ceremonies in a style of chanting that expresses the ecstasy of true meditation.

48. Unmistaken Child

The Buddhist concept of reincarnation, while both mysterious and enchanting, is hard for most westerners to grasp. UNMISTAKEN CHILD follows the four-year search for the reincarnation of Lama Konchog, a world-renowned Tibetan master who passed away in 2001 at age 84.

The Dalai Lama charges the deceased monk’s devoted disciple, Tenzin Zopa (who had been in his service since the age of seven), to search for his master’s reincarnation.

49. Lo Sfidante

This movie is about the understanding and the overtaking of the set of forces acting on all human beings in order to make them weak, fearful, doubtful, leading to delay rather than to act.

Lo Sfidante – Part II – The Reconquest

50. Tibetan Book of the Dead – A Way of Life

The Great Liberation – Tibetan Book of the Dead

51. The Message of the Tibetans – Buddhism

The Message of the Tibetans – Tantrism

52. Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds

53. Living Luminaries: On The Serious Business of Happiness

54. Bruce Lipton – The New Biology

55. Sri Ramana Maharshi – The Sage of Arunachala

The Life and Teachings of Bhagavan Sri Ramana Maharshi. 

In this 73 minute, professionally produced documentary, the unique life and teachings of Sri Ramana Maharshi are artistically unfolded in a chronology of photographs, interviews, narration, and archival film footage.

Follow the Sage from his birth in a small village to his final mortal day, as grieving crowds push in from all sides to have their last darshan. 

Released after a two-year effort of film restoration, interviews, research, and travel, with narration by John Flynn, a nationally recognized television and film talent, edited by James Hartel and music by internationally famous artists.

56. Language of the Divine Matrix

Recent discoveries reveal dramatic evidence that Planck’s matrix – The Divine Matrix – is real. It is this missing link in our understanding that provides the container for the universe, the bridge between our imagination and our reality, and the mirror in our world for what we create in our beliefs.

To unleash the power of this matrix in our lives, we must understand how it works and speaks the language that it recognizes. For more than 20 years, Gregg Braden, a former senior aerospace computer systems designer, has searched for the understanding to do just that.

57. Jonathan Livingstone Seagull – The Story

58. The Mysterious Origins of Man

59. The Life Of The Buddha

60. Taj Mahal Secrets Blow Your Mind

Sunday 12th of January 2020

Feeling so blessed to find this link. Thank you for sharing!!


Tuesday 26th of November 2019

Thanks for sharing such wonderful collection of spiritual documentaries. It would definitely help to explore our spirituality.

Bhumika Gyanani

Wednesday 24th of April 2019

Thanks for sharing such wonderful collection of spiritual documentaries. It would definitely help to explore our spirituality.


Friday 22nd of March 2019

I'm surprised that What the Bleep do we Know? wasn't included in this list.