Most of us are awash with negative thoughts. Even ones that seem positive, like ”I’m so great because I just got a new car,” are really negative thoughts in disguise because they reinforce the belief you weren’t great before you got the new car.
An average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts a day, according to the National Science Foundation. Of those, 80 percent are negative and 95 percent are repetitive thoughts.
Having most of your thoughts grounded in pessimism can negatively impact your emotions, feelings, and mental health due to the fact that your values and thoughts determine the way you see yourself and the world around you.
So what do you do with all that negative junk in your head? How do you make it stop?
Here Is A List Of 10 Ways to Clear Your Mind of Negative Thoughts:
#1 Eat A Good Meal
What you eat nourishes your whole body, including your brain. For instance, foods high in omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (found in flaxseeds, chia seeds, and nuts) can improve mood and restore structural integrity to the brain cells necessary for cognitive function.
Fruits and vegetables are loaded with nutrients that feed every cell of your body, including those that affect mood-regulating brain chemicals. Also, protein-rich foods increase dopamine, norepinephrine, and tyrosine, which help keep you alert.
Lastly, carbohydrates (from whole foods)) increase serotonin, a neurotransmitter that has been shown to have a calming effect on your mood.
#2 Surround Yourself With Great People
Humans are naturally social people. Building healthy relationships makes us happy and gives us energy. Spend time with people who have a lot of energy, think positively, and talk in a positive tone. It will give you energy and make you think more positively.
#3 Chant A Mantra
The word ”mantra” comes from a Sanskrit word meaning a “sacred message or text, charm, spell, counsel.” Therefore, it’s a tool to transport the mind to a place of stillness.
As you know, mantras are words or sounds which are repeated during meditation. They provide many profound benefits for your body, mind, and your life overall.
An effective mantra is called ”Om Sarvesham Svastir Bhavatu.”
“Sarveśām Svastir Bhavatu
Sarveśām Shāntir Bhavatu
Sarveśām Pūrnam Bhavatu
Sarveśām Maṇgalam Bhavatu”
”May there be happiness in all
May there be peace in all
May there be completeness in all
May there be success in all.
#4 Accept Your Emotions
Most of our mental, physical, and relational problems come from our inability to adequately experience emotions. Also, we deny, bury, rationalize, medicate, project, drink away, sleep off, sweat out, smother in comfort food, suck (it) up and sweep under the rug our anger, sadness, and fear.
The key is to give yourself unconditional permission to feel your feelings. When you feel safe enough to let your guard down, whether that is with someone you trust or alone, you can focus on the situation, completely experience the feelings and may then be able to better understand what you want to do about the situation.
#5 Create Goals And Plans To Achieve What You Want Most
If you aspire to earn a college degree, expect or desire to achieve a certain standard of living, buy a house, receive a promotion, marry and have children or any other goal you find purposeful and meaningful, you must identify the goal first and then create action plans to help you achieve what you want.
#6 Spend Time Outside
Living near green spaces is associated with better mental health. According to research, even just looking at images of nature scenes can stimulate the parts of your brain associated with positivity, happiness, and emotional stability.
Moreover, spending time in the great outdoors exposes us to sunlight, that can help our bodies produce vitamin D. Since low levels of this vitamin have been strongly associated with depression, soaking up a little bit of sun may lift your spirits both in the present and over the long term.
#7 Do Physical Exercise
Your body releases mood-boosting and stress-relieving endorphins before and after you work out, that is why physical exercise is an excellent antidote to anxiety, stress, depression, and negative thoughts.
Look for small ways to add activity to your day, like going on a short walk or taking the stairs instead of the elevator. To get the most benefit, aim for at least half an hour of exercise every day, and try to do it outdoors.
#8 Be Grateful
Remind yourself of the things you are thankful or grateful for in your life. Gratitude will give you more mental energy since you will think more positively.
Note – if you are having challenges in any aspect of your life, be grateful that you don’t have a boring life, and understand that challenges make you stronger. Being grateful reminds you of what’s important.
#9 Practise Mindfulness
Mindfulness is an awareness which arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgementally. Mindfulness itself, however, is not a new concept; it has existed in Buddhism for over two thousand years.
It’s a practice in breaking our habitual negative responses by first tuning in to how an action or thought makes us feel, and how it generates certain storylines in our minds.
Tip – the more you employ mindfulness and positive thinking, the longer the effects last.
#10 Choose To Be Positive And See The Best In Every Situation
A positive attitude is proven to increase well-being and happiness as well as it reduces your negative thoughts.
How can you learn to see the best in everything and develop a positive attitude? If you have always seen life as a glass-half-empty proposition, turn that assumption around and strive to see situations as a glass-half-full.