The goal of a spiritual meditation is to focus and quiet your mind, eventually reaching a higher level of awareness and inner calm.
Nowadays, meditation is a common practice worldwide.
But what is meditation? How does one begin to practice it? What are its benefits? One thing is certain: meditation is one of the most effective ways through which one can attain self-knowledge.
It calms the restless mind and eliminates inner tensions. With the simple technique described below, you will begin a fascinating journey into the realm of truth.
The best time to practice meditation is before sunrise and in the evening, before bedtime. However, considering the busy schedule people have these days, any time is appropriate.
For the practice of meditation, specialists recommend at least 20 minutes, twice a day. Also, it is advisable to avoid practicing meditation when you are tired or exhausted.
A Simple Meditative Guide
Sit in a meditation position. The most accessible position is sitting on the floor, on a chair, or on a stool.
If you choose to sit on the floor, make sure you sit on a cushion, with your legs crossed, as it is more comfortable this way.
It is very important to stay comfortable. Keep your neck, shoulders, and back straight. A good posture will help you breathe better.
Close your eyes and avoid as much as possible any thoughts or other distracting concerns. Become aware of your body. Acknowledge your body’s contact with the surface on which you are sitting. Pay attention to how the hands are resting on your legs, feet touching each other, and so on.
Relax gradually, beginning from the bottom up, starting with the left foot, then the right, left arm, then the right, torso, neck, head.
Now focus your attention on the breathing process. Closely observe the rhythm of breathing, feel how the air and energy move throughout your body as you inhale and exhale. Acknowledge this divine process by which the energy enters your body and keeps you alive. Feel the miracle of life through breathing.
Once concentration is maintained and enhanced, it becomes meditation. It will then carry you to the depths of your being. During the practice of meditation, is necessary to enter a state of awareness, and to become a “witness”. The silent witness within, who looks through your eyes while you are in the waking state, is the one who observes dreams and meditation.
Now switch to a new stage. Pay attention to any thought that develops into your mind.
Where did this new thought come from? What did it bring into your being? How did it change you? Where did it go when it disappeared from your mind? Who is analyzing this thought?
You will slowly become aware of the “I” inside, who sees everything. It is the only one who really exists and has always been within you, undiscovered. This is the true state of meditation. In this state, you can give up your focus point and really enjoy the meditation.
The practice of meditation can bring you closer to the Source, granting you access to the state of grace of spiritual awakening.
During meditation, you may experience some of these phenomena: spontaneous vibrations in different areas of the body, visualization of beautiful colors that can not be seen during the waking state, auditory experiences (harmonious sounds), dreamy images (some carrying important symbols that can take you to other worlds, other than the physical world in which you live), a feeling of warmth and relaxation in the heart area, spontaneous movements of the body, deep feelings of happiness and peace, blurring unwanted feelings and alleviating muscle tension.
Spiritual meditation means:
- To keep your mind still;
- To keep your inner peace and concentration effortlessly;
- To gain a higher consciousness of the world around you;
- To live the present moment, HERE and NOW, without worrying about the past or the future;
- A beautiful journey that is full of inspiration and aspiration, not just a destination.
Meditation doesn’t mean:
- To fall asleep;
- To enter a trance mediumship;
- To take a break from reality, becoming a lunatic;
- To identify with your thoughts and forget who and where you are, or what you are doing.
- Decreases stress and tension, eliminates depression, anxiety;
- Balances the emotional plan;
- Increases your sense of connectedness and empathy:
- Boosts the immune system, leading to better health;
- Gives a sense of unity with all that exists, increased concentration and self-confidence;
- Peace and mental freedom, optimism;
- Feeling of spiritual integration, in the harmony of Creation.
Final Words
If you are persistent, in time you will manage to practice meditation easily and feel your mind and body, and most importantly, learn how to control them.
Image credit – Shutterstock
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