For many of us, our body is capable of functioning physically, emotionally, and mentally daily. But to reach your peak performance or max potential, you must train for it.
Failure to meet the needed preparation will only cause you to struggle.
Health and fitness experts at have shared the essential keys to tap into your hidden spiritual resources, and that is through physical exercise.
It turns out that fitness can also be a spiritual practice, such as exercising being used as a method in extending our consciousness.
Understanding this concept will allow you not only to validate your fitness plan but also to help you change the way you see in life continuously.
Now, let’s take a look at what are the spiritual benefits of exercise.
It Allows You to Be Happy and Feel Alive
Some people tend to exercise to benefit not only their overall health but also their mindfulness.
Engaging yourself in a fitness practice, more important than any physical results, will allow you to be happy and feel alive. The better you feel from a physical standpoint, the better your overall sense of well-being will be
But do keep in mind that your fitness regime is a significant part of a healthy lifestyle foundation. So while your well-being will be at an all-time high because of exercising, you can undoubtedly enjoy the perks of a healthy body as well.
You Grow in Ways More Than Physical
Getting yourself involved in any physical practice will allow you to mirror all of your doubts, fear, and other inner barriers that come up in your life.
Exercise is a state where you engage your life and life’s challenges, acknowledging the changes you want to make, and overcoming the aspects of yourself and grow as a whole being.
If you find it difficult, don’t worry. That’s a good sign. You just have to remember the old saying:
“If It doesn’t challenge you, it doesn’t change you.”
It Gives You Time To Reflect
When you’re having a moment with yourself and the inner world, you start to think about things.
According to Wanderlust, self-reflection is likely what lead some people to their physical practice. And meditation, an ancient fitness practice, is a great way to do it as it can help you to tune in to where you are in heart and mind.
It Expands Your Comfort Zone
It can indeed be intimidating when you are stepping into any fitness venture. But don’t you love it when you do so anyway, and then you become a conqueror in your practice, overcoming your tasks, inner barriers, and goals?
One of the great ways to challenge yourself and push your limit is through fitness practice, which can also help you expand your physical and mental thresholds.
Moreover, exercising can help you to grow in courage, and it gives you the ability to handle whatever life throws at you as well.
It Tests Your Will
When making it into your workouts, two endless options come up against the physical sensations: deciding whether to push through or just shy away.
There will be times where you’re unsure about what you can do, and yet you find it within yourself to push forward. Part of you wants to stop and quit, but you keep going anyway.
Remember, each workout is a test of your will.
Through fitness practice, not only do you exercise your intention, but you also strengthen your determination. It overrides your strength.
Engages Your Heart Through The Challenge
Imagine this: You are tired. You are vulnerable. You are humbled by physical exertion. Isn’t that great?
One of the positive effects of exercising is it allows your heart to get engaged through the challenge. Through exercise, you can find your strengths and weaknesses.
Despite the adversity, your heart can be found in continuing—giving your workouts all you have to offer. Not only that, but exertion also encourages your body to overcome its physical limitations.
It Gives You A Moment To Breath
Exercise is also known as an active physical meditation wherein you use your breath to help you feel at ease when under pressure and to further recover during an intense workout.
This will help you to have focus and control on your breathing, allowing you to breathe strength and intention.
It Quiets Your Mind Down
Who would have thought that a regular fitness routine can be considered a spiritual practice?
Doesn’t it feel great when you find a greater presence within yourself? I’m not talking about having a me-time, but that could be a great way to do quiet down your mind, too.
I’m talking about the ability of fitness practice to make you fully present and focused on the task at hand.
This can help you to stop worrying about the future, stop thinking about specific problems, or stop getting so overwhelmed with life. It allows you to focus on the now, and what you can do at present.
It Gives You A Sense Of Purpose
There are so many ways to make yourself useful and get your exercise done at the same time. For instance, mowing your lawn, getting involved in community service, e.g. cleaning the park, roadside or beach, to name a few.
This kind of physical activity gives you a sense of accomplishments which add purpose to your existence, enhancing your sense of well-being.
Helping Others by Helping Yourself
Physical fitness can aid your body as well by removing toxins and waste that could clog up your organs, making you feel sick and tired.
Not only that but when you are healthy it will also let you help others in such ways they can’t help themselves.
I mean let’s face it. How can you volunteer your services to friends, family, or the world when you can’t even walk a flight of stairs without getting winded.
It Boosts Your Brain Power
According to Jonbeaty, numerous studies have found that exercising can also benefit the brain and its health.
When you exercise, a fresh supply of oxygen and blood are being delivered to your brain. It clears the mind of anxiety, stress, depression, sadness, and anger.
Doing certain exercise, whether you’re at the gym or at the comfort of your home, is not as easy as you thought. For instance, performing push-ups.
If you’re not a gym person or not athletically inclined, you may find it hard completing a set of push-ups.
But you know what? That’s fine. One day, you’ll be able to do the thing that you previously couldn’t do. And you’ll surprise yourself with what you’re capable of.
You push yourself further than before beyond limits, and you see yourself in a new light. This is how exercising can transform your mental and emotional breakdowns to breakthroughs.
After all, that’s what we all want, right?