Side Effects Of Reiki Attunements:
Reiki is a Japanese technique to promote relaxation, reduce stress, and support the body in healing itself.
Reiki is not an alternative to allopathic medicine — it is a “complementary” therapy that can be implemented alongside all other therapeutic and medical techniques.
The National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine places Reiki therapy in the category of biofield energy.
It is a gentle technique that is suitable for even very fragile patients, therefore, it is widely accepted in hospices and hospitals around the world.
What Is An Attunement?
An energy attunement is an initiation to a high vibrational frequency of energy.
It is passed from someone who has already been attuned to that energy frequency.
A Reiki attunement is performed by the Reiki Master and opens and expands the main energy channels of the practitioner’s body, allowing universal energy, also referred to as prana/Qi/Chi/Ki, to flow more deeply and freely.
These attunements have an immediate effect.
Because of this opening process, the Reiki attunement also does what it is meant to do — clears blockages. Therefore, this can create substantial changes within the practitioner, and many will undergo a period of self-growth.
List Of 5 Side Effects Of Reiki Attunements:
Note – after every Reiki attunement, there is a ”Cleansing Period.” During this cleansing period, the physical, emotional, mental, and energetical body will detoxify toxins and negative programs that have built up or accumulated over time and will bring about positive changes in the student’s life.
#1 Physical (headache, chest pain, etc)
Although the Reiki attunement is quite passive for the practitioner, many of the experiences during this process are profound.
For instance, some people feel certain sensations in their feet or hands, like – coolness, heat, buzzing, or tingling. Additionally, some will experience:
- heaviness in limbs;
- diarrhea;
- blurred vision;
- runny nose;
- cranial pressure;
- headaches – some people will experience just a dull headache the first couple of days after their attunement, some have complained of migraines for several weeks after the attunement, and some don’t experience any headaches at all;
- chest pain.
Note – the more toxins there are in your body to expel, the more side effects you can expect to experience.
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#2 Emotional
Another commonality during the Reiki attunement is the experience of intense emotions.
The student may also experience:
- sadness;
- crying without cause;
- frustration;
- fear;
- anger outbursts.
Why does this happen?
Deep emotions and traumas that have been suppressed may come back or exacerbate before they gradually vanish.
For the unresolved emotions to clear, it needs to pass through you. When these past emotions reemerge, it may lead to anger, sadness, depression, or fear.
If these are the emotions you feel after a Reiki attunement, be rest assured that they are normal. Do not panic or blame yourself for it.
The most important thing to do during a healing process is to just let the emotions be.
Note – on a positive note, I can assure you that this emotional detox is temporary.
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#3 Energetical
When it comes to the higher Reiki attunements, the practitioner will naturally begin to release deeper buried negative energy from within his body.
As your body releases and lets go of the energy that it has been holding onto, that energy invariably gets splashed on the sinks and the counters, as it washes away forever.
After this process is completed, most students experience a higher vibration within their bodies almost immediately.
When you are at a high vibration, one of the problems is that some people will behave like energy vampires and try to bring you down.
But, you will no longer tolerate those that suck your positive energy. Drama does not appeal to you, and you want no part of it in your life.
While it isn’t easy, you will find yourself setting boundaries that you have never set before and even putting an end to friendships.
You may also realize that toxic energy will only slow down your spiritual evolution, and you know that you only have room in your life for people who have your best intentions at heart.
Important note – when you are at a high vibration, you actually shine so brightly that you can attract the attention of lower vibrational entities (in the astral world) who are drawn to you like a moth to a flame. You are most vulnerable when going to sleep.
Tip – before going to sleep, set the intention that during sleep, you will only be visited by angels or spiritual masters.
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#4 Changed Spiritual Beliefs
Giving and receiving Reiki is a spiritual experience, not a religion. You don’t have to adopt any set of beliefs to practice it. But, after a Reiki attunement, you may have a new belief system regarding spirituality.
The first belief that shifts after an attunement is the belief that you are just your ego, that your ego is who you have identified your whole life with, thinking that this is who you are.
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#5 Radical Shifts
After an attunement, your vibration raises, and there may be radical shifts in your life because when you change your vibration, it will then change what you resonate with.
For example, you may notice a career change. Many people even start their own businesses as life coaches or healers of some sort.
When they know they came here for a greater purpose, they can’t spend another second in a soul-crushing job.
You feel compelled to do your part on earth.
Your humanitarian nature is calling you. Additionally, you feel a connection and empathy with plants, animals, and living things.
Also, you may notice that you start to get pulled to move to a different place to live.
Note – you may notice these things since they just simply don’t resonate anymore.
The Aftermath: Post-Attunement Care
The days following a Reiki attunement can be a roller-coaster ride, with practitioners experiencing mood swings, fatigue, vivid dreams, and restless sleep.
It’s essential to practice self-care during this period, including ample rest, hydration, and gentle physical activity.
Remember, these effects are temporary and signal the commencement of a healing journey.
Note – the side effects of Reiki attunements, while diverse, are part of the transformative process. As we navigate these side effects, we must remember that they’re stepping stones in our journey to holistic wellness, marking our transition from the old to the new.
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Final Words
To reduce your chance of side effects after a Reiki attunement, it is recommended to:
- avoid caffeinated drinks (for at least a week before attunement) since caffeine causes the mind to be over-active; caffeine can be found in coffee, some sodas (like Pepsi and Coca-Cola), energy drinks, some teas, weight loss supplements, and cocoa;
- have a regular diet high in fruits and vegetables;
- avoid high-protein food, especially animal-based protein;
- do not smoke or consume alcohol;
- go to sleep early.
Images credit – Shutterstock
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Tuesday 26th of March 2024
Thankyou for this article.I recently went under attunement.what a life changing experience it is .my side effect was no sleep for 3 days and has passed opening my own reiki business.after working in aged care and disability for 18 years .my whole world has been turned upside down for much better higher purpose in life. Best thing I ever did.
Friday 13th of October 2023
What does it mean when you feel a heaviness around you after being attuned when you’re in the company of certain people that are struggling? How can you protect yourself? Is it necessary to protect yourself?
George Jackson
Tuesday 20th of October 2020
Thank you for being so generous in sharing.
Sunday 21st of June 2020
Useful article
Thursday 2nd of April 2020
"Important note – when you are at a high vibration, you actually shine so brightly that you can attract the attention of lower vibrational entities (in the astral world) who are drawn to you like a moth to a flame. You are most vulnerable when going to sleep.
Tip – before going to sleep, set the intention that during sleep you will only be visited by angels or spiritual masters."
May you please elaborate more on this subject please.
Insight State's Editorial
Friday 3rd of April 2020
There's always a chance of running into a deceitful negative entity just roaming the Astral realm. So, by setting the intention to only meet with positive entities, you can avoid this, since in the Astral realm, what you think happens.