Signs you have psychic abilities:
Do you have overwhelmingly strong gut feelings about situations in your life?
Do you consistently have vivid dreams that might be described as visions?
Or do you see light and colors around humans and animals?
If you answered “yes!” to any of these questions, you may well have psychic abilities.
Don’t panic; this isn’t something to be afraid of! But it’s also not something that should be viewed from the eyes of a stereotype.
When the general public hears the word “psychic,” they think of crystal balls, floaty dresses, and fog machines. But that’s not the case.
In fact, the first step into learning more about your enchanting abilities is to rid yourself of this notion.
People may make up these powers to earn some extra cash. But real psychics do indeed exist.
Today might be the only chance you’ve had to truly come to terms with your extrasensory abilities.
This is an exciting journey, trust us! After reading this article, you’ll be able to tell whether you have (and therefore can hone) psychic powers.
So, what are you waiting for? It’s time to figure out whether you have this unique universal connection!
11 Signs That You May Have Psychic Abilities
#1 Healing Hands
This type of healing is also called magnetic healing, pranic healing, or laying-on of hands.
As you learn this new skill of energy channeling, do not be too concerned with whatever sensations you may feel or not feel as the energy flows through you.
There will be times when you definitely sense the energy flow as you channel the energy and when you do not sense it as much or may barely sense it.
#2 Improved Intuition
Intuition is some kind of inner knowledge and certainty about something. In other words, perceiving an idea, knowledge, or information directly. This is what is usually called “a gut feeling.”
You can sense things to come, and you feel that you know what is to happen. The more we listen to our intuition and the more we act on what we hear, the better our intuition will get.
Intuition is strongly related to the third eye chakra (also known as Ajna chakra). When the third eye chakra is balanced and completely opened, we can see ourselves and others as spiritual and energetic beings.
We can create our own reality by using the freedom of choice, imagination, and enhanced insight.
#3 Powerful and Vivid Dreams

The symbols in the dreams have deep-rooted meanings, and they usually offer a great understanding of the individual’s life experience.
Your dreams can become increasingly vivid and seem to contain information, messages, and symbols that go beyond what your normal subconscious would put on the nightly view-screen of the inside of your eyelids.
#4 You’re Extremely Empathetic
A person who is a psychic empath has a special and rare gift of being able to feel the emotions around her or him as if they were their own emotions.
Empaths can also sense, feel, or know what is already going on with someone, even without their own personal knowledge.
#5 Experience Déjà Vu

eldar nurkovic/Shutterstock
Déjà vu is a feeling of having already experienced a present situation.
One theory to explain this is that someone with psychic ability receives information from other places and times, either unconsciously or consciously.
If you find that you are experiencing regular déjà vu, this is a strong indication that you’re psychic.
READ MORE: Psychic Dreams
#6 Hearing Sounds (Clairaudient)

Kiselev Andrey Valerevich/Shutterstock
Clairaudience comes from the French words ”clair” (clear) and ”audience” (the action of hearing).
But, a clairaudient is not actually hearing sounds (or words) coming from his head, but he feels it in his heart, or actually, it sounds as if they’re coming from somewhere else outside him.
These words and sounds are inaudible to the normal hearing range.
Sometimes spiritual guides, spirits, or angels from other dimensions are so strong to get a message that they may speak out as actually to hear them.
READ MORE: Signs You Are A Natural Born Shaman
#7 Psychometry

Kolbakova Olga/Shutterstock
Psychometry, also known as psychoscopy or token-object reading, is the capacity to receive information that can include all of the senses by simply touching an object.
For instance, a person who has psychometric abilities can hold an antique glove and tell something about the history of that glove, about the experiences that the person had while in possession of that glove, or about the individuals who owned it.
Note – some say that being near the object is enough to read it; however, if you are a newbie, it is recommended to hold the item if you can.
#8 Premonitions

The ability of premonitions is to see a future event, and in essence, it represents the power to have a waking vision or a flash of a future event while awake.
These premonitions, these “meaningful coincidences” or “synchronicities,” reveal that you are psychically in tune with the creation.
READ MORE: Signs Of A Bad Spirit In Your House
#9 Hearing Spiritual Guides

Creativa Images/Shutterstock
These could be spiritual guides, angelic beings, or deceased loved ones trying to communicate with you.
If it is a real psychic connection, these voices will never tell you to do anything harmful to yourself or another human being. There is nothing to fear. All divine guidance comes from a place of love.
Furthermore, spirit guides can see what’s going on in our lives.
When it’s time for them to actually guide or intervene, they have different methods to accomplish this.
READ MORE: 11 Spiritual Places With The Strongest Energy Field
#10 Telepathic Experiences

Oliver Denker/Shutterstock
Telepathy is a Greek word. “Tele” translates as ”from a distance,” and “pathy” translates to ”to feel.”
Telepathy is a perfectly natural skill that is neglected and now lies dormant within the mind. According to one classification, there are 3 types of telepathy:
- emotional;
- physical;
- mental.
#11 Auric Sight
Auric sight is the psychic ability to sense or see the aura’s colors and thereby understand certain things about the emotions, moods, thoughts, or health of other individuals.
Those who have noticed these signs and are interested in embracing them, practicing daily meditation, and learning about everything related to being a psychic can help you become more in touch with your gift.
Images credit – Shutterstock & Getty Images
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Mary Jo Verissimo
Sunday 8th of November 2020
I find it hard to meditate I can't seem to quiet the mind. I think I am Clairaudient but i hear the messages through my dreams. I can hear songs playing with messages for me. I also receive telepathic dreams that become lucid I can't see the person but i can hear them and feel them. I would like to strength my abilities.
Saturday 5th of December 2020
I think I am clairvoyant, and like you, it normally comes in my dreams.
Sunday 28th of June 2020
Whilst enjoying the site, I find it very hard to meditate and concentrate any tips would be helpful.
just heere to help
Thursday 17th of September 2020
Yes, try Sadhguru's Isha Kriya mediation free on Youtube.