What is Lalana (Talu) chakra?
It is a minor chakra that is closely connected with the Vishuddha (throat) chakra. It is located approximately 2 inches above the Vishuddha, in the area behind the uvula, which is the seat of the female energy of the tongue.
Lalana chakra is sometimes called the Talu chakra – the center of division because it is the center where the nectar from bindu divides into either bad or good experiences in life.
When throat chakra (the energy center in our bodies responsible for communicating our authentic truth), combined with Lalana chakra, is not awakened, life tends to be unhappy and painful.
READ MORE: Healing Your Sacral Chakra (Svadhisthana Chakra) – Guide
The nectar becomes poison. But when the Vishuddha and Lalana chakras are awakened, then the nectar remains in the form of happiness and bliss. Life becomes a source of joyful experiences.
Such is the importance of the Vishuddha-Lalana chakras.
According to some tantriks, this chakra cannot be described like the other seven chakras and can only be experienced after the kundalini is awakened.
In the Saubhagya-Lakshmi Upanishads (111, 6), the Talu chakra is described as having twelve bright red petals. Other texts say it has 64 silvery-white petals and a bright red periphery called ghantika, where the energy of the moon exudes its nectar (bhumi or bramhi).
When this chakra opens, it gives the practitioner a glimpse of the cosmic emptiness of the great Void.
The sixty-four petals of Talu chakra are the homes of the powerful sixty-four yogis, whose worship is said to grant the eight siddhis.
READ MORE: Seven Lower Chakras of the Lower Body
These spiritual powers are:
- Anima: the power to reduce one’s body to the size of an atom;
- Mahima: the power to expand one’s body infinitely;
- Garima: the power to become as heavy as gold;
- Laghima: the power to become as light as a feather;
- Prapti: the power to access all places and all dimensions;
- Prakamya: the power to materialize any desired object or situation;
- Ishtva: the power of absolute lordship overall;
- Vashtva: the power to subjugate all.
This chakra is obviously a very powerful and yet potentially dangerous energetic center, since the practitioner may easily fall prey to the strong temptation of using the new-found spiritual powers acquired there for sensual pleasure, selfish gain, or enhancement of the ego.
Those who get caught in this spiritual trap may find their quest for Self-realization delayed by many lifetimes.
Image credit – Shutterstock
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