What does it mean spiritually when you hear knocking?
Sometimes it is common to hear a sound or voice around you that seems as if it’s real, but for some unknown reason, you aren’t sure if it is.
This may be the form of hearing someone calling your name, a ringing in your ear, a chime or tone, or even the sound of someone knocking.
These sounds with unknown origins can be alerting us or providing us with messages we may be unaware of.
Clairaudience is perceiving what is inaudible or unknown.
All of us have this ability inherent within us, and if you’ve just begun hearing unknown sounds or messages—this may be a sign that your clairaudience ability is becoming activated within you.
One of the most common associations with clairaudience is hearing knocking.
This phenomenon may be as simply explained as a pet in the other room, or a sound from outside—but if this sound truly seems to have no physical origin, you may be hearing these knocking sounds as a form of message.
What does it mean spiritually when you hear knocking?
Time to Wake Up
If you are experiencing hearing knocking while you are asleep, you may be jolted by the sound, causing you to wake up.
This may be a push from your guides trying to wake you up to higher consciousness and awareness.
If you are a spiritual person and you have veered off from your normal path and practice, this may be a sign that you need to recenter yourself and wipe away whatever illusions you’ve been living in currently.
In today’s age, spiritual development is vital in order to maintain a sense of clarity with all of the various levels we exist in.
Sometimes it’s easy to stay in patterns that keep us existing only within the realms of our human egos, and your guides may use knocking to help you break free from these patterns.
The Arrival of Something New
Hearing knocking can indicate that you will receive a new opportunity or gift.
Knocking can be associated with receiving mail or someone at your door, and spiritually this may symbolize a brand new experience making its way into your life.
This is an important time to be mindful and aware of the different things you are being offered.
You would benefit from accepting new plans or opportunities even if they don’t seem ideal or comfortable at first, as they may bring you unimaginable rewards.
On the other hand, pay attention to how you feel when you hear the knocking.
If your intuition is causing you to fear around the knocking, you should be cautious of any offerings you receive in the near future.
Use discernment, and don’t jump into any new opportunities without accessing them properly.
Be open to new experiences and changes during this time so you can receive the gift that is being offered.
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A Warning
You may also be receiving a message of caution if you hear knocking.
The universe may be alerting you that some of your choices may be leading you down a path you would better not go down.
If this resonates, take a look at your past choices and recognize which of them did not benefit you.
Allow yourself to make better choices for your future and try to align yourself with a higher path.
Sometimes this warning may also be for someone in our life.
If you know of someone who is approaching a new period in life or has been offered a new opportunity, check in with them and make sure they’ve planned for potential problems.
Become More Open
You may represent the doorway that the knocking is trying to enter.
The knocking represents a message, perspective, awareness, or experience that you’re too closed off to receive.
Take some time to find ways that you may be closed off emotionally or mentally, whether it’s in your relationships, at your job, or your worldview as a whole.
When you begin to hear knocking due to your lack of openness, this is usually because you have been closed off for too long.
Your life may feel as if you’re not in control of its direction, or you are unfulfilled in some way.
Keeping your true nature isolated within yourself makes you feel more disconnected from the world around you.
When we allow ourselves to be open and unrestricted, life flows through use more easily and brings us experiences that we can receive no other way.
The Echoes of Departed Souls
The echoes of the departed souls, as represented by unexplained knocking, open up a fascinating intersection between the physical world we live in and the spiritual realm.
This auditory phenomenon is usually interpreted as an ethereal bridge that connects us with those who have passed on, adding a complex layer to our understanding of existence beyond the physical plane.
In the vast tapestry of supernatural beliefs, the sound of unexplained knocking is typically attributed to spirits or souls that have transcended the earthly realm.
These are not just ghostly apparitions meant to spook or scare, but manifestations of departed loved ones reaching out from the other side.
They knock on the doors of perception, attempting to establish contact with those they’ve left behind.
These spiritual knocks have various purposes.
Some may offer comfort, a gentle reassurance to the living that their loved ones continue to exist in another form, watching over them, sharing in their joys and sorrows from beyond the veil.
These knocks can bring solace to those grieving, providing a sense of connection that death has not entirely severed the bonds of love and kinship.
On the other hand, these knocks might also carry important messages. The spirit world, according to many spiritual traditions, possesses wisdom and foresight beyond our mortal comprehension.
Therefore, a knock from a departed soul could be a warning, guidance, or a piece of advice that they feel compelled to impart. It’s a spiritual telegram, sent from the other side, echoing in the corridors of our everyday reality.
An Indicator of Inner Fear
Knocking can also act as a mirror reflecting our inner state of mind.
In particular, these auditory experiences might reveal our hidden fears.
This perspective may seem unusual at first glance, but it provides an interesting psychological dimension to the interpretation of knocks.
Similarly, as a knock at the door can induce a sense of apprehension, so can our internal fears create a metaphorical ‘knocking’ within our minds–a persistent reminder of worries that we might prefer to ignore.
This symbolism is based on the idea that fear, in many cases, is a learned response.
We develop fears based on past experiences or perceived threats, and these fears can resurface in various forms–one of which could be the sound of knocking.
It’s as if our subconscious mind is knocking on the door of our consciousness, urging us to confront the fears that we’ve kept locked away.
However, while the association between knocking and fear might initially seem disconcerting, it also presents an opportunity for personal development.
Recognizing these ‘knocks’ for what they are–a manifestation of our anxieties–can be the first step towards addressing and ultimately overcoming these fears.
Knocking as a Divine Invitation
When we experience a knock that seemingly has no origin, it can be easy to dismiss it as a figment of our imagination or a trick of the ear. However, there’s more to this auditory phenomenon than meets the eye—or rather, the ear.
Knocking, in this situation, is not merely a sound.
It’s a spiritual call to action, a divine beckoning from a higher power that wishes to make its presence known and felt in our lives.
This perspective offers an entirely new dimension to the understanding of knocks.
Instead of viewing them as mundane noises, they become celestial communiqués, filled with spiritual promise and potential.
This interpretation of knocking draws heavily from biblical narratives where God often communicates with mortals through knocks or similar signs.
In the Book of Revelation, for instance, Christ says, “Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20).
This verse is not only a literal depiction of Christ knocking on a door but also a metaphorical representation of God’s desire to enter and save human souls.
This divine invitation, however, is not a forceful intrusion but a respectful request.
We have the free will to respond or ignore it.
By choosing to heed this spiritual knock, we allow ourselves to engage with the divine, opening avenues for spiritual growth, enlightenment, and transformation.
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Bottom Line
Whether you’re hearing knocking to alert you of potential problems, urging you to become more open, or prompting you for a new beginning, take this experience to heart and reflect on what you can learn from it.
If you resist the message you are meant to receive, the messenger may become louder and more unavoidable.
As you allow yourself to tune into the messages from other dimensions and realms, your ability to receive them will become stronger.
Trust your intuition and be open to new ideas and guidance, you may otherwise miss the next great phase of your life.
Images credit – @Getty
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Tuesday 9th of July 2024
I hear knocking quite frequently. It just happened last night. It was a distinctive hard knock that woke me up. Once awake, I heard additional 3-4 knocks. Then stayed awake for more but nine came so went back to sleep. I often have been awakened by door knobs rattling which would rattle every door in my room, my bathroom, my closet and my bedroom door. I was once awakened with a name that was spoken to me before I woke up, (Billy Sorrell) which turned out to be a real person who was a famous baseball player who died in 2008. That was very creepy!
Nancy DeLauder
Tuesday 19th of December 2023
Last night at exactly 3am there were 3 knocks on my door. It scared me pretty bad. I don't think anyone was there.
Monday 26th of June 2023
Heard knocking 2 or 3 times last night...
Friday 14th of July 2023
@Mitch, I heard knocking early this morning. I didn’t look at the clock, but it was dark outside. It sounded like a sharp clear knock knock on a quality wood door.
Friday 14th of October 2022
Lately I have been woken up to the sound of someone knocking I get up to check there’s no one there I feel like I’m going crazy it’s happened a few times now can anyone help tell me why this is happening