Dream telepathy is the ability to communicate telepathically with another person while one is dreaming.
The existence of telepathy has many connotations. “Telepathy” comes from the Greek “tele” (meaning “from a distance”) and “pathos” (meaning “feeling,”).
Such a phrase conjures up the idea of transmission and perception of sensations, feelings, and spiritual experiences from a distance between two people.
Sigmund Freud considered telepathy as a primitive ability lost by humans during their evolution. According to his statements, “telepathically” linked individuals must have a very strong emotional connection, and the event communicated this way must be filled with negative feelings.
On the other hand, Carl Gustav Jung has given it greater importance, considering telepathy a sync feature, and discovering through his experiences that this phenomenon influences our dreams.
Telepathy can also be active while dreaming
Sleep stages in which dreams occur are characterized by specific electrical brain activity and rapid eye movement. During experiments, these activities are measured by electrodes set on the head of people in a state of sleep.
If they are awakened during REM (rapid eye movement), they can, without exception, recount their dreams with extremely vivid details. However, if they are awakened during another sleep stage, much of all that information is lost.
REM stages occur 4-5 times during a night of sleep. Their duration – at first 20-25 minutes – increases when we are dreaming.
This breakthrough made it possible for a person to be awakened during a REM stage and asked to recount the dreams in detail.
Stories were printed by specialists and organized into scenarios.
In an experiment involving a person who is a “transmitter,” when the recording device signals a new REM stage, the “transmitter,” who is located in another room, begins to focus on a particular image that he/she mentally transmits to the sleeper.
Amazingly, when the sleeper is awakened, he recounts the dream and describes it down to the smallest detail, resembling the images that have been induced in the REM stage.
Dream telepathy experiments
First experiments in the field were conducted in 1880 by Italian G. B. Ermacora, whose results would be published nine years later, under the auspices of the American Society for Psychical Research.
Ermacora worked with psychic Maria Manzini, achieving some remarkable results.
But these results were not the subject of review and control by the scientific rigors of today. However, Ermacora has the merit of having tried to test the validity of telepathic dreams.
Upton Sinclair
The famous American writer Upton Sinclair (1878-1968) was a big fan of telepathy, publishing his views and experiments in a bestseller book at the time, entitled “MENTAL RADIO.”
Endowed with outstanding sensory sensitivity, his wife, Craig, has volunteered for the experiments of her husband.
After a modest debut, in which she was sent the image of a hoe, then a haystack, Craig Sinclair reached the astounding performance of telling her husband the content of the chapter he had just finished writing in his office, located in another wing of the residence.
Unfortunately, fame has prevented the American author from accepting expertise in telepathic experiments. For this reason, he has attracted much criticism and irony.
Maimonides Institute
Further research on this subject has been done at the Maimonides Institute in Brooklyn, New York, by a team of parapsychologists, including Montague Ullman (a psychiatrist, parapsychologist, and psychoanalyst who founded the Dream Laboratory at the Maimonides Medical Center in Brooklyn, New York), Stanley Krippner, Alan Vaughan, and Charles Honorton.
They resorted to monitoring brain waves and eye movements of the subjects asleep, while in another room “emitters” were focusing on certain images, trying to send them to the “receptors.”
Experiments have shown that these images (or the emotions they aroused) did appear in the dreams of “receptors.”
According to Montague Ullman, telepathic dreams “are vivid, colorful”, but they don’t coincide with reality perfectly.
Instead, they provide information which the beneficiary must organize just like a puzzle in order to unravel its meaning.
These experiments were conducted for more than 10 years.
Grateful Dead
The most spectacular test of telepathic transmission took place in 1971 and it included 2,000 people who took part in a concert of the Grateful Dead, an American rock band.
Subjects were asked to focus on projected images and try to transmit using the mind to a research laboratory in Brooklyn, located 45 miles away.
The sleeper in this experiment was psychic Malcolm Bessent, who received the images in a dream, for six nights!
Stanley Krippner, an American psychologist and a member of the Maimonides Institute’s team of researchers, acknowledged that the success of the experiment may have been influenced by the fact that most of the audience was under the influence of psychedelic substances.
One of the images sent by the rock fans featured a man sitting in a yoga lotus position, with his brightly colored chakras (energy centers). Bessent had a dream about a man “elevated in the air or something” and using “natural energy” and “sunlight … like a backbone.”
READ MORE: Lucid Dreaming – Tips
Telepathic dreams, stronger between lovers
Most cases of telepathic dreams occur in couples or between people with a strong and deep connection, given that telepathy is influenced by the intensity of the thought. Those close to us, with whom we are connected spiritually, can produce transfers of feelings/sensations which appear to us in dreams.
Emotions are stimuli that reach the subconscious easily, and cerebral hemispheres are more “relaxed” during sleep, thus more susceptible to subtle vibrations.
Recent data has revealed a new hypothesis and perhaps the most plausible so far, namely that telepathy is based on information circulating via electromagnetic waves.
The argument is based on the fact that humans are not just a physical body with a psychic structure, but they are composed of atomic particles that absorb energy and emit it outside. Energies are always accompanied by information sent through our thoughts and feelings.
The latest findings of researchers from the “Institute of Cardiology,” California endorse previous hypotheses, bringing additional test results indicating that the heart is the organ that emits an electric field 100 times stronger than the brain and a magnetic field 5000 times bigger than the magnetic field produced by it.
Telepathy is not magic, but using a part of us that we often hide behind reason.
By learning to communicate through thoughts, we will attract and keep what we call the right people and happy situations.
Image credit – Shutterstock
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Nathan Z. Solomon
Thursday 27th of May 2021
I enjoyed our mutual dreaming last night (5/25-5/26 '21) despite all the pain you've caused my heart. You were wearing a royal blue pantsuit. Despite my conscious desire for this to end, I'm guessing that it will continue while we are both alive. Please be patient with me and know that all the feelings I sent to you were real.
Mutual dreaming, telepathy are the way forward for society. People think, especially scientists, that conquering fusion, matter/antimatter or other power sources and exploring the Universe will save us. But that is not the case. We are all spirit in physical bodies, like butterflies in cocoons. When we die, our spirit leaves our bodies and ends up either in heaven or hell. Sometimes a spirit is returned, this is known as an Near Death Experience (NDE).
It is when we, as a people come together with our spirits, as Patty and I are doing, that we can overcome the pain, the hurt, the evil in this World, because within our mutual dreams we can express love to one another that heals our broken hearts. Too often it is the pains of this World that separate us and it is love that brings us together and heals us and the World.
In your heart, at this point, I don't believe you can honestly say you are gay, because you love me and I love you. I am a man and you are a woman, and that's just the way we are. I look forward to our next mutual dreaming.
Nathan Z. Solomon
Sunday 29th of March 2020
I recently discovered that I have been having telepathic dreaming with a woman who I fell in love with in high school. This dreaming has increased in intimacy until just recently we had telepathic sex. She was laying down invitingly? I laid on top of her and the area between our "spiritual genitals?" was just a white light. During that time, I shared my love for her and she shared her love for me.
But that was short lived because afterward I wrote to her, to let her know what happened and gave her the date and time...but after constantly trying to connect with her, she thought I was some harasser. So a restraining order was placed on me. If that's all there was, then that would be fine. But 2 things: 1) A month or two later, she tried to connect with me telepathically...she was awake and I was asleep and it sounded like she was yelling, "Can we talk?"...the usual greeting for telepathy. I woke up immediately because NO COMMUNICATION DURING A RESTRAINING ORDER. I include telepathy in that.
2) She within the restraining order told me that she's gay. So here she is having telepathic sex with a guy and she's gay...or so she says. She's been with her partner for some time.
Now this leaves her in a bit of a pickle. Her subconscious is heterosexual, but her conscious mind is homosexual. So she has a battle on her hands. I feel for her. But she humiliated me when she had the restraining order put in place. So I will NOT help her...because a when you truly love someone, you always do "As [they] wish" (Princess Bride).
Since then I have blocked her telepathically. No more dreams about her whatsoever because she said, "I AM GAY!!" and the restraining order makes that very clear.
So now a rare and beautiful method of communication are gone. I believe I was the initiator, but she continued with me. But now it has ended.