Chakra Healing Stones and Crystals:
From the base of the human’s spine to the top of the head, you can find 7 chakras.
The word “chakra” itself comes from Sanskrit, and means ”wheel.”
They appear like energy wheels that run through the body. Each chakra controls different elements of your life and corresponds with different parts of your body.
When your seven chakras are balanced, the prana (energy) can run through the body and do its job to help you lead a contented life. But, when your chakras are not balanced, your energy can be stunted, making you feel unwell and unhappy.
There are different ways to balance your chakras.
Here Is A List Of Stones and Crystals To Balance And Cleanse Your Chakras:
#1 Root Chakra (Muladhara)
The root chakra defines our relationship with Mother Earth. This chakra is found at the base of the spine and is known as the area where our sense of security lies.
Muladhara chakra is the seat of our primitive being and our center of security and belonging. It is comprised of whatever grounds you to have stability in your life. According to ancient spiritual traditions, it is the chakra related to food and shelter, financial issues, as well as the need to survive.
A healthy Muladhara chakra will promote core feelings of being part of a community and it anchors the body in feelings of safety, trust, and protection. When the root chakra is blocked, you may experience issues with money or anxiety. Also, an overactive Muladhara chakra will cause problems such as jitteriness.
Additionally, when the root chakra is underactive you may feel:
- disconnected from the physical;
- fear;
- financially unstable;
- uncertain.
Crystals – ruby, red jasper, and bloodstone.
#2 Sacral Chakra (Svadhistana)
The second type is the Svadhistana chakra, located just below the navel, stretching all the way down to the lower abdomen. This chakra is associated with the element of ”WATER.”
It governs people’s sense of self-worth, their ability to relate to others in an open and friendly way, and their confidence in their own creativity.
The sacral chakra is where our sense of abundance blooms. It is also the center for feeling pleasure, emotion, and intimacy.
On the physical level, Svadhistana chakra is associated with the kidneys, reproductive organs, and bladder. An imbalanced sacral chakra can cause feelings of lack of purpose and insecurity, as well as stomach issues (ulcers, pains, or chronic indigestion).
Also, you may be feeling constant frustration, leading to you breaking down in tears too often. Low energy flow through your Svadhistana chakra will cause a lack of motivation and energy.
Crystals – orange calcite, orange aventurine, dark or brown citrine, and carnelian.
#3 Solar Plexus Chakra (Manipura)
Manipura chakra is said to govern ego and self-esteem and is represented in the color yellow. The element of Manipura chakra is “fire” and this is symbolic of transformation and change. Located in the navel or belly button, the Manipura chakra is connected to the organs around the navel like the digestive system, spleen, gallbladder, liver, and pancreas.
When the Manipura chakra is blocked, you can suffer from low self-esteem, may have anger or control issues, or difficulty making decisions. Clogging of the Manipura chakra may show up as frustration, lack of direction, anger, or a sense of victimization.
When this chakra is in balance, you feel alive and have the confidence and self-esteem to take action and be productive.
Crystals – amber and citrine.
#4 Heart Chakra (Anahata)
Anahata chakra is related to the heart, rib cage, lymph glands, lungs, skin, arms, circulation, hands, and the immune system. It is the chakra that connects the lower chakras to the higher chakras and is essential in our journey towards spiritual development and self-healing. It’s where we foster happiness and connect our sense of self with absolute beauty and love.
Additionally, your Anahata chakra is a bridge between spirituality and earth. On the spiritual level, Anahata chakra blockages may show up as loneliness and isolation, overwhelming grief, and being stuck on ego levels of existence. On the mental level, someone with Anahata chakra imbalance may display too much criticism towards others and himself, perfectionism, and judgments.
Crystals – watermelon tourmaline, rhodochrosite, ruby, rose quartz, emerald, green moss agate, and malachite.
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#5 Throat Chakra (Vishudha)
The fifth chakra is also known as Vishudha chakra, which literally translates to “very pure.” To the supersensible sight, Vishudha chakra has 16 light/pale blue or turquoise petals. It is connected to psychic abilities and communication.
When the fifth chakra is out of balance, it can be difficult to express your feeling and thoughts. Also, the hearing may be challenged and the thyroid can be damaged.
Moreover, a blocked Vishuda chakra can result in feelings of fragility, insecurity, and introversion or, in the opposite case, a tendency to be overly verbally aggressive or talk too much. In addition, it can lead to feelings of not being able to fully express your truth.
Crystals – turquoise, aquamarine, lapis lazuli, and blue sapphire.
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#6 Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)
Found on the forehead, between the eyes, Ajna chakra is where we find the energy to open our minds to information that lives beyond the material and physical world and outside our five senses. The third eye chakra is also the center of balance and connection of our intuition and spiritual wisdom, developing our ability to see the bigger picture.
Note – the quickest way to heal an imbalanced third eye chakra is through meditation. Each day, take a moment to connect to yourself and your spirituality and to your higher self.
Crystals – iolite, lapis, and amethyst.
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#7 Crown Chakra (Sahasrara)
Sahasrara chakra is related to inner guidance, and connection to the Source, and resides at the center of the crown of your head.
An imbalance in the crown chakra will manifest as disconnection, egotism, dullness, or mental problems. When the chakra is balanced, the ego gives way to compassion and we feel a connection to our Higher Self.
Crown chakra is rarely ever truly balanced, however, the goal of life is not to attain but to strive for harmony of Sahasrara chakra.
Crystals – light amethyst and clear quartz.
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