Here Is What The Following Celebrities Said About Finding Inner Peace & Love:
#1 Tom Hanks
“There’s no substitute for a great love who says, ‘No matter what’s wrong with you, you’re welcome at this table.'”
#2 Jennifer Aniston
“The greater your capacity to love, the greater your capacity to feel the pain.”
#3 Cameron Diaz
“Connecting with nature is really important. Unfortunately, we don’t get to do it very often in nature that is truly nature. But go to the park; I love going to the park. Whenever I’m in a city, I always go to the municipal gardens and I’ll just take off my shoes and put my foot right on the ground. It does connect you in a totally different way.”
#4 Johnny Depp
“The only creatures that are evolved enough to convey pure love are dogs and infants.”
#5 Oprah
”My spiritual practice is to prepare myself. Sometimes, if I have the time, it’s twenty minutes of silence, or sometimes it’s not. Now I have on my little timer: twelve. I think the universe would be okay with twelve [laughs]. I take time… just to be still and fully present to order intentionally what I want for the day.”
#6 George Clooney
“I’ve had some absolutely great relationships and some not so great relationships. I’ve been in some relationships where I’ve felt terribly alone. Just because you’re with someone it doesn’t mean you’re incredibly happy and complete.”
#7 Thich Nhat Hanh
“We must be willing to challenge the assumption that time spent in relaxation and meditation takes away from our realizing other goals, such as a successful career or successful relationships. As paradoxical as it may seem, when we take time for meditation we actually gain in the other areas of our lives. The truth is, there’s no limit to the positive changes we can make for ourselves and for our society through mindfulness meditation.”
READ MORE: Thich Nhat Hanh Quotes
#8 Miley Cyrus
“I think that’s what is wrong with a lot of relationships if you don’t have time to be able to be yourself. I just love that my dude doesn’t really make me do that. He gets to do his thing and I get to do my thing, and then he inspires cool music and gets me to go to the beach more than I ever would.”
#9 Sally Field
“There is the obvious power that comes with money or success. But there’s also personal power that comes from someone working hard on his or her own internal process — the kind of power we talk about as ‘finding your voice.’ It requires you to turn within on a daily basis and not leave any leaf unturned as you discover what it really means to be alive.”
#10 Kristen Bell
“Dax helped me learn that I don’t have it all figured out. Sometimes that’s the greatest gift someone can give you.”
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#11 Deepak Chopra
“At stressful times like these, it is all the more important to make sure you are addressing all dimensions of your health and wellness. Things like making sure to get a good night’s sleep, taking at least a few minutes every day to quiet the mind, exercising each day, and eating mindfully are all steps that I take to maintain balance.”
#12 Cate Blanchett
“Someone once said to me, and I think it’s quite true, that if your bodies actually fit together when you’re sleeping in bed—I’m not going to get into too much detail—you’re in good stead. When you can spoon with someone, then you’re OK. Because you might not vote the same way, you might not have the same politics, but sometimes that works for people.”
#13 Portia de Rossi
“I’ve changed so much as a person since I’ve met Ellen. I used to think that the way to be strong was to be tough. I used to think that to be independent was to not need anyone, but she’s taught me that the more vulnerable you are and the softer you are, and the more you allow people into your life and into your heart, the happier you are and the more valuable you are to other people. Ellen has completely changed the way I look at life.”
#14 Sean Penn
“I like to believe that love is a reciprocal thing, that it can’t really be felt, truly, by one.”
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#15 Will Smith
“The central idea of love is not even a relationship commitment, the first thing is a personal commitment to be the best version of yourself with or without that person that you’re with. You have to every single day — mind, body, and spirit — wake up with a commitment to be better.”
#16 Amy Schumer
“I love love, and I’m very hopeful and was raised on all the fairy tales everyone else had. I just noted that everyone’s mom was dead and real princesses get beheaded, so I just have a more realistic take on it.”
#17 Kerry Washington
“I try to put myself first. If I don’t put my own physical and emotional health first, then I’m not really useful to any movement, to any work of art, to any creative endeavor. I have to be aware — not selfish and self-absorbed and self-obsessed — but I have to be self-aware of what my needs are and be willing to take care of my own needs.”
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#18 Lady Gaga
“Some women choose to follow men, and some women choose to follow their dreams. If you’re wondering which way to go, remember that your career will never wake up and tell you that it doesn’t love you anymore.”
#19 Arianna Huffington
“The better people are at taking care of themselves, the more effective they’ll be in taking care of others, including their families, co-workers, communities and their fellow citizens. When you’re on an airplane you’re told to ‘secure your own mask first before helping others,’ even your own child. After all, it’s not easy to help somebody else breathe easier if you’re fighting for air yourself.”
#20 Kim Kardashian
“I think you have different soul-mates throughout your life, that your soul needs different things at different times. I do believe in love. I will always believe in love, but my idea has changed from what I’ve always thought.”
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