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50 Dhar Mann Quotes On Kindness, Karma, and Life

List Of 50 Dhar Mann Quotes On Kindness, Karma, and Life:

#1 Having grown up the way I did and experiencing two different parenting styles, one as a son and one as a dad… what I’ve learned is this: if you have the option to give money or time to your kids, ideally give both. But if you have to choose one, give time.

#2 Don’t stress. The things you have been worrying about, God is already working on.

#3 Health is wealth. If you take care of your body, your body will take care of you.

#4 What happens in the dark always comes to light.

#5 If you cheat, then you’ll never get ahead.

#6 You should never be ashamed of who you are.

#7 There is no better friend than a sister or a brother

#8 Your thoughts become your reality. 

#9 Don’t overthink. It will kill your peace. Just pray and leave it in God’s hands.50 Dhar Mann Quotes On Kindness, Karma, and Life

#10 Knowing we’re making a difference in people’s lives is what makes the long nights and early mornings worth it every day.

#11 Having kids has been the biggest blessing in my life. My daughters are my “why” in everything I do. I live for every laugh, every smile, every hug and kiss.

#12 Always treat others how you want to be treated.

#13 If my story can teach you anything, it’s that you can get through your darkest days. Brighter days are ahead. You just have to keep believing in yourself & working hard.

#14 Avoid toxic people. Staying away from negative people isn’t weakness, it’s wisdom.

#15 Be proud of yourself. You may not be where you want to be, but you’re much further than you used to be!

#16 You shouldn’t judge someone until you have to walk in their shoes.50 Dhar Mann Quotes On Kindness, Karma, and Life

#17 When someone hates on you, it’s usually because they’re unhappy in their own lives. And has nothing to do with you.

#18 Never judge someone before getting to know them

#19 Seasons change, people change, titles change… but all these years later our love for each other always remains the same.

#20 After Ella and Myla came into this world, everything changed. It’s like God rewired my brain. My kids became my first priority.

#21 You should always be nice to nerds because you just may end up working for one.

#22 Holidays are not about how much money you spend. They’re about how much love you give.

#23 It isn’t about how much you have. It’s about what you make out of what you have.

#24 Don’t get so focused on all the things you don’t have that you forget there are a lot of people wishing for all the things you do have.

#25 Family always sticks together no matter what.50 Dhar Mann Quotes On Kindness, Karma, and Life

#26 Beauty comes in all shapes and sizes.

#27 Success requires patience and great things really do take time.

#28 The kindness you put out into the world always has a way of coming back to you.

#29 One person’s trash is another person’s treasure.

#30 Never give up on something you really care about.

#31 It took me all these years to realize that less really is more. And the best things in life truly are free. I’m so grateful to God for blessing me with another year.

#32 When you’re a parent, running a business, and taking care of so many responsibilities, prioritizing your relationship can easily end up on the back burner.

#33 The best way to have a happy family is to spend twice as much time together and half as much money.

#34 If you don’t have trust, you don’t have anything.50 Dhar Mann Quotes On Kindness, Karma, and Life

#35 Always be grateful for what you have.

#36 The only way we’re going to get through this is if we think as WE, not ME.

#37 I’m so grateful for all the love from my community, the amazing friends I have in my life, and most of al,l my ride or die.

#38 You should never be so quick to assume.

#39 If somebody isn’t there for you during your bad times, then they don’t deserve to be there for you during your good times.

#40 No amount of money is worth keeping a parent away from their child.

#41 I used to worry about settling down because I’d have to be with “one woman” for the rest of my life. But as I got older, I realized that’s simply not true. I get to be with a best friend, a business partner, a fiancée, a mom, and one day, with God’s grace, hopefully a grandma.

#42 Don’t forget about the people who help you become successful.

#43 Spend more time loving each other, less time sweating the small stuff.

#44 You can take your greatest struggle and turn it into your greatest success!

50 Dhar Mann Quotes On Kindness, Karma, and Life

#45 Anything you do in life, always give it your all.

#46 We should always help others, especially those that can’t do anything for us. 

#47 You may not be able to change the world, but if you can even help one person, to that one person, it could mean the world.

#48 If you’re always looking for happiness in other places then you’ll never appreciate what’s right in front of you.

#49 Don’t let people celebrate with you at your best if they don’t believe in you at your worst.

#50 It’s crazy to think I entered my 30s completely broke and depressed. 


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