White Tara Mantra (Cintachakra) – Lyrics, Meaning, Benefits
Lyrics: ”OM TARE TUTTARE TURE MAMA AYUR PUNYE JNANA PUSHTIM KURU YE SVAHA.” Translation in English: The liberator of suffering shines light upon me to create an abundance of merit …
Lyrics: ”OM TARE TUTTARE TURE MAMA AYUR PUNYE JNANA PUSHTIM KURU YE SVAHA.” Translation in English: The liberator of suffering shines light upon me to create an abundance of merit …
In the Nyingma tradition (the oldest of the four major schools of Tibetan Buddhism), the Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum mantra is believed to be a powerful …
Empath An empath is someone who psychically feels the emotions, feelings, energy, and even thoughts of others. This can be voluntary, however, it occasionally comes involuntary, especially for a person …
Medicine Buddha Mantra lyrics in Sanskrit long version: Om Namo bhagawate Bhaishjaya Guru Vaidurya Prabha Rajaya Tathagataya Arhate Samyaksam Buddhaya Teyatha Om Bekhajye Bekhajye Maha Bekhajye Bekhajye Rajaya Samudgate Svaha …
The stellar gateway to the Source is the 12th chakra and is located 12 inches above your head. Its color is pure gold. The Stellar Gateway is the second of …
The five skandhas are also called aggregates as they work together to produce a mental being. These aggregates create the illusion of separateness as they give us our sense of …
Stuttering, also referred to as stammering, is a speech disorder that involves frequent and notable problems with the normal flow of speech and fluency. In some cases, stuttering completely blocks …
Our dreams abound with meanings and symbols, which is why every time we dream something that affects us, we seek the interpretation and explanations of this dream. First of all, …
Shiva Shambo Mantra Lyrics In Sanskrit: ”Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambo Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambo Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambo Jaya Jaya Shiva Shambo Máha Déva Shambo Máha Déva Shambo Máha Déva …
List Of 33 Quotes About Attachment: #1 Alejandro Jodorowsky ”Do not become attached to anything that can destroy you in the course of time.” #2 Tilopa ”It’s not the appearance …
This chant is the most esteemed mantra in Hinduism. It consists of the prefix om bhur bhuvah svah, a formula regularly appearing in the Yajurveda (an ancient Vedic Sanskrit text), …
Death comes to all individuals, and at that crucial time of transition from one life to the next, we may not know how to best help our loved ones. ”Helping …