Spiritual Meaning of Waking Up at 1AM, 2AM, 3AM, 4AM, and 5AM
Spiritual Meaning of Waking Up at 1AM, 2AM, 3AM, 4AM, and 5AM: Waking up regularly at different times of the night and having difficulties falling asleep afterward are a sign …
Spiritual Meaning of Waking Up at 1AM, 2AM, 3AM, 4AM, and 5AM: Waking up regularly at different times of the night and having difficulties falling asleep afterward are a sign …
What is the spiritual meaning of colors? All colors have meaning. Whether it’s pink, blue, violet, orange, or green, everything has a spiritual connection and otherworldly relation. They evoke emotions …
What are the signs you need to clear negative energy from yourself? Introduction Even those of you reading this who aren’t familiar with spirituality have probably used (or at least …
What is the chant/mantra for the third eye-opening? Introduction The sixth chakra, Ajna, (which in Sanskrit translates as “command” or “perceive”) is located in the pituitary gland directly behind the …
What are the 12 great laws of karma? Introduction Karma means “to do,” it means action. Karma is modified by the total conditions under which the actions are performed. Action …
List Of 66 Native American Quotes About Nature, Death, And Life: #1 Proverb “Only when the last tree has died and the last river has been poisoned and the last …
Bhagavad Gita Quotes On Karma, Life, And Death: Introduction Bhagavad Gita is one of the most sacred Hindu religious scriptures. In the book, Krishna is talking to Arjuna before the …
What Is A Chakra? The chakras are subtle entering gates to the universal energy; they are using the endocrine glands to transmit this energy into the body. Each chakra corresponds …
”Chakra” is a Sanskrit word which literally translates to ”wheel.” A chakra is like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy. There are seven main chakras in the human body which …
List Of 10 Easy Ways To Start a Spiritual Practice: #1 Read Spiritual Books Reading good books is one of the best investments one can make with money and time. …
Lyrics in Sanskrit: Om shree sache maha prabhu Ki jai Paramatma ki jai Om shanti shanti shantihi om. Meaning in English: May the ultimate truth and that which is beyond …
What Is An Empath? Empaths have the ability to walk a mile in other people’s shoes and to adopt different points of view. Empathy is a useful social tool that …