Blood is thicker than water but it can become thicker and cause serious health problems. Some uncommon disorders can thick your blood including conditions that cause blood clotting, hypercoagulation, etc.
These kinds of problems can cause life-threatening problems so it is important to detect and treat it early. One of my cousins have thicker blood, he buys eliquis generic 5 mg 60 tabs every month to prevent blood thickness.
In this article, I will share important things that you must know about thick blood disease.
Excess Clotting
Whenever someone gets a cut or wound, the body forms a blood clot to stop further bleeding. This process of the body is called coagulation.
These clots are made from platelets and fabrics. Somebody, these body form these blood clots but does not dissolve it. It is due to hypercoagulation that causes thick blood. These kinds of clots are dangerous as they can block the flow of blood to the organs and tissues.
One of the causes of hypercoagulation is a genetic disorder or it can be due to other conditions such as certain medications, pregnancy, and cancers.
Excess Blood Cells
Blood cancer makes the blood thicker which leads to abnormally high levels of blood cells. Another common reason for thick blood is polycythemia vera.
It is a disorder in which the body produces more blood cells. It is due to a genetic mutation and develops very slowly.
Blood cancer causes to produce more blood protein called immunoglobulin in the body which is caused by uncontrolled and abnormal growth of plasma cells. In these kinds of conditions, the blood starts getting thicker.
Health Effects
For the body to operate normally, it needs the oxygen that is transferred by the blood to each organ of the body.
When the blood gets thicker the flow gets slower and less oxygen reaches the organ. It causes certain side effects such as dizziness, itchiness, headaches, and vision problems. On the other hand, abnormal white cells can cause weight loss, tiredness, anemia, and other infections.
So, the people with thick blood are at high risk of slower blood flow the blood clots. It can also cause heart attack, serious damage to organs such as lungs or kidneys, and a stroke.
Medical Treatment
Most of the people cannot be diagnosed with such issues early in life. But a routine blood test can help uncover the issue. Family medical history can also help investigate the causes of early symptoms like anemia or tiredness.
Thick blood is a very severe medical condition but there are ways to treat this disorder. The doctor removed the excess blood of a person with a high number of blood cells. Moreover, a person can take blood-thinning medications to reduce clotting.
What Are The Warning Signs?
If a person detects blood clot, heart attack or a stroke should get immediate medical care. Blood clots in the leg can cause pain, warmth, swelling, and redness.
A blood clot in the heart or lungs can cause chest pain, shortness of breath, discomfort in the neck, chest pressure or heaviness, discomfort in upper back arms and jaw.