The Microsoft 70-741 exam has been retired on March 31, 2019, and has been replaced by the MD-100 certification test. If you had passed Microsoft 70-741 before its retirement, you don’t need to sit for this exam. Instead, you have to take MD-101 to earn the new Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator Associate certification.
The candidates who take the MD-100 test are the administrators who install, arrange, fix, monitor, and manage devices and applications in an organization.
If you compare Microsoft MD-100 with Microsoft 70-741 concerning their exam objectives, you may think that they are similar, and it may seem as if this new test is reinforcing the concepts covered by the 70-741 exam. But there are key differences that should be noted to visit the website.
As a professional in this sector, you will collaborate with the M365 Enterprise Administrator to develop and insert a device strategy to meet the business needs of a modern organization. That is why you should be familiar with M365 workloads. Also, configuring and maintaining Windows 10 and non-Windows devices and technologies will belong to your duties.
What do these few lines mean? They mean that if you sit for the exam without considering the implication and capabilities produced by other segments of Microsoft 365, you are putting yourself at a disadvantage.
You should at least have an understanding and a little exposure to Azure Active Directory and Intune.
Now when you know what the Microsoft MD-100 exam entails, let’s look at how you can prepare effectively and ace it.
What Should You Know Before Studying Microsoft 70-741 Exam?
Every certification and test has a different set of topics, syllabus, and requirements. If you wish to ace your exam, you have to start by reading its requirements and demands, what it wants from you, and what it will evaluate.
Also, before you sign up for the test and start studying, make sure this is the certification test relevant to your field, which will help you get a credential you need and excel in your career.
The Microsoft 70-741 exam asses the following array of topics:
- Windows Implementation (30-35%)
- Configuration and Support of Core Services (30-35%)
- Windows Managing and Maintaining (30-35%)
The test measures the skills of installation and configuration requirements for Windows OS, configuration of the network, data usage, storage, and remote management, Apps implementing, and configuration of system and data recovery, updates, advanced management tools.
It is important that you have a strong grip on the majority of its content because of the exam evaluates randomly the subjects available. If you think Microsoft 70-741 is too difficult for you, it is okay. You can look for a lower-level exam.
You should keep in mind that Rome wasn’t built in a day, which means that getting a certification isn’t a piece of cake. It requires your time, efforts, hard work, and commitment. But once you have the certificate, it will be worth it because any Microsoft credential brings many benefits.
Start Working Hard
The certification is like a jewel to your CV and it helps you stand out in the pool of candidates. Most companies have the credentials as some criteria for selection, so having one helps you get hired quicker, at better positions, and with greater salaries.
On certain days you may not feel like studying, but remember that the best jobs in the world are given to those who have the IT certificates. Don’t give up! All your hard work will pay off.
So, let’s review some tips to help you prepare for your Microsoft certification exam.
- Have a dedicated workspace
If you are preparing at work, request your supervisor to allow you to study away from your working desk so that there are fewer distractions and noises. If you are studying at home, make sure you have a working space where your family members don’t disturb you.
Check the table if it is big enough to hold your learning material, including books, laptop, and writing pad. A dedicated workspace helps you focus more and encourages you to study. That will help greatly during your preparation.
- Read the exam objectives
Do not ignore the exam topics. They are different for every single test. They give you an insight into what you will be tested on and which objectives you have to cover. It tells you which subjects are relevant, what you need to know and which parts you should pay attention to.
You can easily find them on any vendor website. When you start studying, keep going back to the exam objectives, so you know what you have covered and what has still left. At the end of your study, go through the topics again to make sure that you have a strong grip on every theme that outlines in the objectives.
Follow a plan
Following a schedule is the key to success. The plan helps you distribute your time properly and encourages you to learn. It gives you a daily target to meet and ensures that you have covered every topic at the end of studying. Before the very start, make a blueprint, and strictly stick to it.
- Take practice tests
Practice tests give you a glimpse of what the actual exam will be like. The more tests you do, the greater confidence you will develop to sit for the certification exam. They are available easily on the Internet, but not all of them are authentic and reliable.
Please note that PrepAway provides you with the best study materials, including such type of preparation. Practice tests by PrepAway allow you to verify your knowledge and identify your weak spots. It gives you time before the actual exam to go through your drawbacks and hone your skills and concepts.
Final Thoughts
It is very important that you take care of your health while studying for the exam because it can greatly affect your performance. Make sure you keep yourself hydrated as it helps you stay alert and focus well on studies.
Finish your preparation three to four days before the test instead of cramming even on the last night. Get a good night’s sleep before your exam, take a deep breath and a long exhale, and do your best. Good luck to all the test takers!