After facing the frustrations of being unable to conceive a child through traditional methods, most couples are overwhelmed and have no idea where to even begin the journey of using a surrogacy clinic.
After trying to conceive naturally for two years with no success, Lisa and Brian turned their hopes toward a fertility clinic, hoping for favorable results.
“It was really hard, not being able to just get pregnant. It seems like everyone was popping out kids left and right, and there we were, caught in the middle of all of these new and excited parents. We felt so left out and unsupported.”
A tearful Lisa opens her story. “We decided to go to a fertility clinic and hoped that they could perform some sort of procedure that would make us able to have our baby.” Lisa and Brian go on to say that Lisa was diagnosed with a maldeveloped uterus and Brian had poor sperm motility.
“It was devastating,” Brian recalls. “Lisa was completely heartbroken that she couldn’t carry our baby and I felt like I had let her down by not having aggressive sperm.”
After their consultation, the couple realized that the only hope they had in producing a child of their own was to find a surrogacy clinic.
“We didn’t know where to start. We already felt so torn down and overwhelmed by the experience, we weren’t sure how much more we could take.” Brian tells us that after reading an article about a celebrity couple that had had a baby via surrogacy, it got them thinking of how it could actually all finally happen.
“We did a bunch of research, chose a surrogacy clinic, and now we have our little girl. I couldn’t be happier, I really couldn’t. I love being a mom more than I’ve ever loved anything else in my life.” Lisa and Brian are now the proud parents of a 7-month-old baby girl that was born via a surrogate from Ukraine.
Once a couple decides that surrogacy is a viable option for themselves and their circumstances it’s hard to know what to expect next. Lisa and Brian shared with us their secrets of success.
Find a Reputable Surrogacy Clinic
Once they had been medically diagnosed with infertility, Lisa and Brian began searching for surrogacy clinics. Working with a clinic may be slightly more expensive, but the benefits are priceless.
Surrogacy can be a contentious issue in many different states and countries, and the legal headaches that go along with it can be a nightmare for couples who aren’t familiar with the practices or don’t seek professional representation early.
Seeking out a surrogate on your own may seem like a less expensive process, but you also run the risk of exploiting disadvantaged women or getting a surrogate that may take advantage of you. Having expert knowledge of a surrogates mental and physical health is paramount in knowing that your child will be safe and well cared for throughout the pregnancy.
Most surrogacy clinics fine-tune surrogacy contracts that represent both parties perfectly before they will even consider going ahead with the process.
Surrogacy clinics provide intended parents not only with the mother capable of carrying their child, but they also know how to navigate local laws and legal proceedings. Surrogacy clinics also work as advocates for both the intended parents as well as the surrogate mothers, ensuring a smooth and streamlined process from the get-go.
With the many financial and legal aspects of the surrogacy process, it’s very important that intended parents find a surrogacy clinic that they are happy with.
Understand the Financial Obligations of your Chosen Surrogacy Clinic
Seeking surrogacy is an expensive process, know and plan for these expenses early. Depending on what arrangements you and your family are comfortable with, what options are available to you, and what services your chosen surrogacy clinic can provide will give you an idea of the costs associated with your surrogacy early on.
Not only that, but out of pocket expenses vary greatly depending on a number of factors. Ensure that once you have chosen your surrogacy clinic, that you speak with their representative about any possible costs that may be associated with the program.
Understand the Legal Limitations of Your Situation
While many countries and states have “surrogate friendly laws” knowing which are available to you is important. Some states and countries only extend their surrogacy clinics and programs to married couples or heterosexual couples.
Some surrogacy clinics do not offer surrogacy with the donated genetic material, in the case that one intended parent may be unable to use their own. Knowing your situations and having a firm grasp on your goals, finances, and health will make it that much easier to find a surrogacy clinic that can work for you and your family.
Don’t Give Up
Make sure that your family appropriately deals with any of the emotional distress that failed fertility attempts can cause. be realistic about the emotional aspects of having another woman carry your child. Ensure that both yourself and your partner are aware of any stress or anxiety that this may cause. While finding a surrogacy clinic that fits you and your family may seem incredibly difficult, but that may not be the last hurdle that you will have to jump in realizing the dream of having a child.
Sometimes IVF procedures don’t take, or surrogate mothers can fall through. The mental exhaustion of the process can strain relationships. Never lose sight of your dreams and support one another. A good surrogacy clinic will also offer support to you and your family should tribulations arise.
“Honestly, it was so hard to get here, to this moment where I’m holding my little girl in my arms. At times, I felt like I just couldn’t do it, but Brian was always there, cheering me on. [Our surrogacy clinic] was absolutely incredible. They were our champions and made everything so simple for us. They answered any questions we had and helped us get through some really difficult times.”
Linda recalls how important it was for her and Brian to find the right surrogacy clinic, and in doing so, how that shaped their lives forever.