Spiritual meaning of teeth pain and problems:
As with other pain types, a toothache can be influenced and triggered for worse or better by feelings and thoughts.
Basically, your physical health and your psychological well-being are closely connected.
Your oral health also can affect other medical conditions. For instance, if you have diabetes, a mouth infection can disrupt your blood sugar levels and make your diabetes harder to control.
Scientists also are exploring whether periodontal disease may increase the risk of different medical problems.
These may include kidney disease, heart disease, stroke, and premature births.
One thing is clear: the mouth and body are not separate.
Your mouth can affect your body, and likewise, your body can affect your mouth.
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Spiritual Meaning of Teeth Problems
Teeth problems reveal difficulty pondering new ideas, information, or situations. Therefore, problems with the teeth indicate a fear of making incorrect decisions.
Teeth are also used to bite; thus, an individual with a tooth problem might feel incapable of defending himself.
According to Dr. Michele Caffin, a well-known French oral surgeon:
The eight teeth in the upper left side are associated with the desire to show what an individual carries inside; a problem with one of these teeth indicates difficulty fulfilling one’s desire to be.
The eight teeth on the upper right side are associated with the desire to express oneself outwardly; a problem with one of these teeth expresses difficulty finding one’s place in the outside world.
The eight teeth on the lower left side are associated with realizing one’s emotional sensitivity; a problem with one of these teeth expresses a lack of emotional recognition within the family.
The eight teeth on the lower right side are associated with solidifying something, such as work; a problem with one of these teeth expresses a problem with making concrete plans or getting oneself on solid ground.
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Cavities – Spiritual Meaning
Dental cavities are holes in teeth caused by tooth decay. Cavities are also known as caries.
Cavities start small and slowly become bigger when they are left untreated.
According to statistics, 92 percent of American adults 20 to 64 have had dental caries in their permanent teeth.
Tip – the earlier a dentist can spot the signs of poor oral hygiene, the better your chances of preventing dental caries from ever occurring in the first place.
Holding in words of judgment, condemnation, and criticism, but still believing and thinking them.
Extremely low self-esteem. Withholding approval. Feeling unappreciated and unloved.
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Teeth Grinding (Bruxism) – Spiritual Meaning
Bruxism is the medical term for grinding the teeth and clenching the jaw.
It is a common sleep finding, affecting about 12 percent of people and as many as 16 percent of children.
The rate is highest in children under age 5. Also, bruxism rates are substantially higher in individuals with a family history of the disorder.
Spiritual cause – you’re angry at not being able or allowed to communicate, speak up, or be heard. Another cause is you are not being able to ‘bite’ an opponent.
The most serious problem caused by bruxism is the constant wearing of tooth enamel, which is critical to your teeth’ strength. It is usually caused by frustration regarding self-expression.
Once the enamel has been worn away, it’s impossible to get back, which is why it’s so crucial to stop grinding in its tracks.
Note – in most cases, the sound of the teeth grinding together is not loud enough to disturb sleep.
Covering The Mouth When Communicating – Spiritual Meaning
If you are using your lips to cover your teeth while speaking, it can indicate that you have unresolved inner conflicts or fear of being found out.
In addition, it can also indicate discomfort or shame.
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Gum Disease – Spiritual Meaning
Gum disease is an inflammation of the gums that can progress to affect the bone that surrounds and supports your teeth.
The condition is characterized by swollen gums that bleed easily when teeth are flossed or brushed.
Many things can increase your chance of developing gum disease, such as:
- emotional stress;
- poor oral hygiene;
- malnutrition;
- smoking tobacco;
- drinking beverages with strong odors, like – coffee;
- a weakened immune system due to chemotherapy or HIV and AIDS;
- diabetes mellitus – a condition which causes blood glucose levels to become too high;
- a family history of gum disease;
- age – the condition becomes more common as you get older.
Gum disease indicates anger over being unable to win the approval of someone who is highly unlikely to give it. It can also represent the fear of self-expression.
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Bad Breath (Halitosis) – Spiritual Meaning
Studies show that about 50% of adults have had bad breath at some point in their lives.
In the United States, it is estimated that over 70 million people suffer from chronic halitosis.
Potential causes of halitosis include:
- tobacco smoke;
- crash diets;
- dry mouth;
- food, like – onions and garlic;
- poor dental hygiene;
- diseases, such as – kidney disease, diabetes mellitus, and gastroesophageal reflux disease, as well as nose, mouth (periodontal disease), and throat conditions;
- drugs, such as – tranquilizers, chemotherapy medications, and nitrates.
When bad breath seems to float from the depths of the body, it indicates thoughts of hatred, the presence of tremendous internal pain, extreme anger, or vengeance that seethe below the surface and are directed toward those who have hurt you.
Note – if you have persistent bad breath, it may also be a sign of an underlying medical condition, such as gum disease or gastrointestinal problems. If this is the case, you should see a doctor for treatment. In most cases, however, bad breath is not a cause for concern and can be easily treated with good oral hygiene.
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Spiritual Meaning of Wisdom Teeth
Scientists have discovered that the eruption of wisdom teeth is linked to a gene called PAX9.
Popular beliefs state that the emergence of wisdom teeth coincides with the moment that marks a person’s maturity.
In fact, these are the last molars that erupt and, besides completing the denture, they play an important role in the healing and emotional balancing of a person.
Mind means wisdom, and it represents a great quality that all people need to excel in our lives and accomplish everything we want.
The mind helps us open up, provides solid foundations for everything we do, and expresses the happiness of manifesting ourselves in this life as long as we know how to use it.
During an interview, Dr. Custura said:
“Wisdom teeth symbolize the autonomy that each person gains over the years or which she should gain.”
Dr. Custura later added:
”If a wisdom tooth refuses to come out and occupy its proper place, it means that mentally, that person still refuses to take up her space in this world, to trust herself, in order to please others, to be liked, loved and accepted.”
Spiritual Meaning of Tooth Extraction
When a tooth is extracted, it signifies a release of old patterns, beliefs, or experiences that have been causing pain. If someone pulls out your teeth in a dream, it symbolizes that someone is about to take something very important away from you.
Healing Affirmations For Teeth Problems
”I make my decisions based on the principles of truth, and I rest securely knowing that only the right action is taking place in my life.”
”My teeth are straight and free from cavities.”
”The circulation around my mouth is healthy and strong.”
”I have a complete, natural, healthy set of teeth that are perfect, whole, and full of life energy.”
”My teeth are clean and healthy.”
Images credit – Shutterstock
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References https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1963310/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2907590/ https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2005/04/050429125829.htm
Wednesday 30th of March 2022
Such a beautiful and full of wisdom blog, thank you for taking the time to put it together ❤️😃
Saturday 26th of September 2020
thank you
Tuesday 1st of September 2020
I'm 36 and never had any wisdom teeth? X-rays show they just aren't there and never were. Everybody else in my family had all 4. What does that mean spiritually?
Wednesday 2nd of September 2020
Hi Velotro. I hope you read my comment. You are wonderfully made (psalms 139:14) . God loves you with everlasting love (Jer 31:3) and He has extraordinary good thoughts about you (Jer 29:11). The first time I visited this page and I found your question and the answer just jumped out from God's heart for you. If you don't have any wisdom teeth doesn't mean that you lack something. The rainbow is made of different colors, you are like one of them. Just shine with the light that God has given you. Just shine.
Samantha Hay
Monday 2nd of January 2017
I just came across your blog and I wanted to share my love for your work here. Thank you, sending you love and endless gratitude❤
Insight State
Monday 2nd of January 2017
Thank you, Samantha Hay. Have a good year!