What Is Bulimia Nervosa?
Bulimia Nervosa is an eating disorder often brought on by a desire to lose weight due to a distorted body image. The condition often involves periods of overeating, followed by a sense of guilt or depression which can lead to instances of purging, fasting, or self-induced vomiting.
Bulimia Nervosa can lead to severe health complications if eating disorder treatment is not sought.
What Are Some Signs and Symptoms That Your Loved One May Be Battling with the Disorder?
There are many signs to be alert for if you suspect your loved one may have Bulimia Nervosa. It is essential to remember that your loved one can still have the eating disorder even if they do not exhibit all of the signs.
If you are unsure about the signs, you may notice you can contact an eating disorder treatment center to find out more or to get an assessment. Some of the symptoms your loved one might exhibit include:
- Being Fearful of Gaining Weight – While many people may show some concern for putting on a few pounds, obsessively checking and charting weight can be a cause for concern.
- Instances of Binging or Over Consumption of Food in One Setting – You might notice your loved might go to extremes when eating meals. They may go from skipping meals to eating large amounts of food in one sitting. This is often referred to as the process of binging. You might also notice food hoarding behaviors.
- A Preoccupation with Body Shape and Size – If your loved one has Bulimia Nervosa they may have an obsession with their body size and shape. This can exhibit itself by frequent body checking in the mirror to comments about how they wish parts of their body were different even if they appear normal to you.
- Bouts of Vomiting or Repeated Trips to the Bathroom After Eating – Your loved one may make frequent trips to the bathroom or seem to be ill often. This is usually the result of purging to rid themselves of the calories they just consumed.
- The Regular Use of Laxatives – Laxatives were designed for short-term use and should not be part of a daily regimen. If you notice your loved one repeatedly taking laxatives, it might be a symptom of the disorder.
- Episodes of Fasting – Episodes of fasting can commonly occur after a binging episode as a way to deal with the guilt of overeating previously and attempting to rectify the calorie intake. You may also notice your loved one avoiding eating in public places.
- Swelling of the Hands, Feet, and Face – Repeated bouts of vomiting can cause a body to retain water. You may notice your loved one exhibiting swelling in their hands, feet, or cheeks if this occurs.
- Damaged Teeth or Gums – Due to stomach acid coming up when vomiting teeth can become stained and also suffer enamel damage and erosion. Gum deterioration can also be a sign of excessive vomiting.
- Scar, Calluses, or Sores on Hands – Sore can develop on fingers and hands due to repeated attempts to induce vomiting. This can be a more subtle symptom and difficult to spot.
- Dry Skin, Nails, and Hair – Purging can reduce the number of nutrients that your loved one will adsorb depleting skin, hair, and nails of essential nutrients they need to stay healthy. Due to this deficiency hair can also begin to thin and come out.
- Dizziness and Fainting – When purging calories and intermittent fasting, the body’s blood sugar can have problems regulating leading to dizziness and fainting spells. They may also become less coordinated due to muscle weakness from lack of nutrition.
If you have a loved one, you believe exhibits signs of Bulimia Nervosa an eating disorder treatment center can help.
It is essential to be vigilant and not pass off true symptoms as a phase. Eating disorder treatment can help get your loved one on the road back to health.