Nausea is an uneasiness of the stomach. Individuals with this condition have a queasy feeling which ranges from slightly uncomfortable to agonizing, commonly accompanied by clammy skin and a lurching stomach.
Almost everyone experiences nausea at some point, making it one of the most frequent medical problems.
According to statistics, nausea is a common experience in pregnancy, affecting 70 to 80 percent of all pregnant women.
An estimated cost of $4 to 16 billion to the United States economy has been suggested to be attributable to vomiting and nausea.
Symptoms are frequently difficult for sufferers to describe. However, these uncomfortable feelings are felt in the upper abdomen, chest, or back of the throat.
In addition, nausea can also be associated with:
- dizziness;
- headaches;
- a general feeling of being sick to one’s stomach;
- abdominal pain;
- chest pain;
- fever;
- fainting;
- breathing problems;
- diarrhea;
- lightheadedness;
- a rapid pulse;
- gas;
- excessive sweating;
- lethargy.
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It is not a disease itself, but actually a symptom of numerous disorders related to the digestive system, including:
- postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (an abnormal change in heart rate when you change the posture);
- gastroesophageal reflux disease (a digestive disorder that affects the lower esophageal sphincter);
- migraine headaches; treatment options include medications; lifestyle changes; and occasionally surgery for sufferers who do not improve with the first two measures;
- autonomic dysfunction (problems with the area of the brain which controls the digestive processes);
- intestinal pseudo-obstruction (a condition which happens when brain and nerves signals prevent food from passing along the digestive tract);
- non-ulcer dyspepsia (discomfort in the upper stomach which is not related to an ulcer);
- gastroparesis (problems with muscles or nerves in the stomach which cause slow stomach digestion);
- peptic ulcer disease (a break in the lining of the stomach).
Home treatments of nausea include:
- rest a while after eating with your head elevated;
- eat small meals and eat them slowly;
- stay away from greasy or fried foods;
- drink water.
It is the forcible involuntary or voluntary emptying of stomach contents through the mouth.
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Common causes may include:
- kidney stones and kidney infections;
- gastroenteritis – this is most likely to be the leading cause if you also have diarrhea;
- motion sickness;
- pregnancy – pregnant women usually have this symptom during the early stages of pregnancy (it occurs in the first trimester is up to 80 percent of pregnancies);
- drinking too many alcoholic beverages;
- migraines – intense, throbbing headaches which last for a few hours to days at a time;
- certain medicines, like – opioid painkillers and antibiotics;
- labyrinthitis;
- anesthesia;
- an inflamed gallbladder;
- radiotherapy;
- chemotherapy;
- a blockage in the bowel.
- drink small amounts of clear liquids to avoid dehydration;
- avoid solid foods until vomiting has stopped for at least 6 hours.
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Purging Disorder
Purging disorder is included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders under the classification of Other Specified Feeding and Eating Disorder.
Purging disorder most commonly emerges in late adolescence and early adulthood. There are no current statistics on how many people are affected by this condition.
It is characterized by an obsession to control weight through purging, either by using enemas, laxatives, or diuretics, pr by self-inducing vomiting.
The medical risks of purging disorder include:
- fatigue;
- dehydration;
- lethargy;
- anemia;
- overall muscle weakness;
- electrolyte imbalances;
- broken blood vessels in the eyes;
- low blood pressure (hypotension);
- damage to the esophagus ;
- irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia);
- sores in the mouth;
- stomach ulcers;
- intestinal problems, like – constipation and diarrhea;
- possible kidney damage or infection;
- weakened heart muscle, leading to possible heart failure in severe cases.
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Spiritual Meaning of Nausea, Vomiting, and Purging
Nausea always indicates the rejection of something that we consider too difficult to digest, not only in the physical sense of the word.
If we eat too much food or have many ideas, we will not be able to digest them properly, and vomiting prevents us from carrying too much load.
Nausea and vomiting during pregnancy generally reveal the lack of desire to receive sperm during the child’s conception, but it may also mean rejecting one’s own femininity or even the child itself.
Whatever the case, be a little more aware of what you’re swallowing and make sure it’s digestible. If you are unable to change the situation you are in, open up more, and you will be able to receive more. Thank your body for what it tells you.
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While the cause of your nausea and vomiting is being determined, you can minimize the episodes of vomiting and nausea by following some basic guidelines:
- avoid eating food that has not been appropriately refrigerated;
- avoid eating any food which appears spoiled or smells;
- eat small meals every few hours so the stomach won’t feel full;
- avoid alcohol;
- stick to easy to digest foods, like – white rice, dry toast, or mashed potatoes;
- if you are prone to motion sickness, try to sit in the part of the vehicle with the least movement and avoid reading in a moving vehicle;
- if you have had nausea for several months, consider keeping a food diary to help identify the foods which cause the condition;
- avoid bothersome odors, like – tobacco smoke, perfume, or certain cooking smells;
- drink liquids regularly but in small quantities;
- avoid dairy products, red processed meat, and highly processed foods that are high in trans-fats;
- eat ginger (up to 5 grams per day).
If you take medicines for nausea, avoid drinking alcoholic beverages, which may make you more ill as well as increases your risk of side effects.
Images credit – Shutterstock
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Wednesday 22nd of February 2023
I would like to know more on what to eat but very allergic to many things low energy sometimes