We all know that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It jump-starts your metabolism to start rising and burning calories.
Skipping breakfast sends a message to the body to conserve calories, rather than burning them, due to the insufficient number of calories your body has.
This slows down your metabolism, which results in low energy levels.
If this keeps happening, you will find that you are not losing any weight; on the contrary, you might start putting on a few extra pounds even if you have been watching what you are eating.
Smoothies can make for an eggless healthy and hearty breakfast with all the right ingredients. Having one for breakfast every day is completely fine when you are making your own smoothies.
This way, you will be able to make sure you know what’s going into your body. Having a frozen drink blender makes it very easy for people with busy schedules to prepare their smoothies in just a few minutes.
When you are making your own cold drink, you’ll get the freedom to strike a balance between veggies and fruits.
You will also be able to make sure that your smoothie has enough protein, healthy fats, and carbs to offer you all the nutrients you need.
It is a form of art to make healthy smoothies that will give you enough energy for the day, and provide you with all the needed nutrients, while they also taste good.
In this article, we have collected five of the most delicious recipes for healthy smoothies that you should definitely try out.
#1 An Immune-Boosting Smoothie
Smoothies aren’t only for hot days. A smoothie is the fastest and easiest way to consume a lot of valuable immune-boosting nutrients and vitamins that could really help, especially in the winter.
This winter, if you want to avoid getting sick, all you need to do is find the right smoothie for your needs. The liquid base of this smoothie is two bananas with water.
Then you can blend in one cup of spinach, one pear, several strawberries, and a handful of ice. This combination will provide you with 25% of your required daily vitamin C intake.
To add some anti-inflammatory properties to the mix, you can add some peeled and grated fresh ginger. It will not only give your immune functions a boost, but it will also provide your body with vitamin C and probiotics for your digestive system.
#2 A Detox Smoothie
If you are one of many people who suffer from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or have been feeling bloated, you will need a good detox smoothie.
If you need a good natural cleanse, you can replace some of your meals, especially breakfast and dinner, with this smoothie for better results.
The liquid base for this one will simply be cold water. Throw into the mix a kiwi, a banana, a quarter of a cup of pineapples, two cups of spinach, and two celery stalks.
There are a lot of other ingredients you can use for these green detox smoothies; however, don’t let the green color fool you. Healthy smoothies taste wonderful when you know how to mix the right ingredients together.
#3 An Energy Smoothie
If you tend to work out or go for a run in the morning, then you will need a hearty smoothie to give you a little push.
Some of the most healthy and delicious smoothies out there are the ones that are full of different fruits. However, they are higher in calories than green smoothies.
That’s why they are more suitable before workouts, or you can have them early in the morning.
Add the liquid base first; it can be two cups of fresh, unsweetened orange or mandarin juice. You will then need two cups of mixed berries (or only your favorite type).
After that, add two drops of vanilla extract and a handful of ice and start blending. You can add protein powder (or chia seeds) to make sure that it provides you with a good amount of protein that will ultimately keep you feeling full until lunchtime.
#4 A Protein Smoothie
For this smoothie, you will need fat-free chocolate syrup—it’s better if it’s homemade—with a small piece of dark chocolate.
Add a single cup of unsweetened almond milk, a banana, a tablespoon of chocolate syrup, and another of almond butter.
Afterward, add a handful of ice and blend your shake.
This smoothie is full of nutrients that we need; it provides the body with protein, healthy fats and carbs, with only 151 calories. It doesn’t only provide the body with its necessary protein intake in the morning, but it tastes amazing.
If you want to stay full until lunch, you can replace the almond milk with coconut milk and add a quarter of a cup of oats. Adding oats to your smoothie adds a nice touch to the texture to become thicker and better.
#5 A Healthy Smoothie to Satisfy Your Sugar Cravings
Following a specific diet and cutting down on processed junk food tends to give us extreme sugar cravings.
Many people get weak, fall for the temptation and break their diet. The next thing you know, one cupcake has turned into a full pack.
That’s why the best way to satisfy a sugar craving without ruining your diet is to have a sweet smoothie.
You will only need to mix a sliced apple, a quarter of a tablespoon of cinnamon, two bananas, three-fourths of a cup of unsweetened almond milk, and vanilla protein powder.
This apple spice smoothie has all the spices and flavors of an apple pie.