Benign prostate enlargement, also referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia, is the medical term used to describe an enlarged prostate. It is a condition that can affect how you pass urine.
The prostate is a small, muscular gland in the male reproductive system.
It produces a fluid that contains substances important to the function and survival of sperm cells. This fluid, combined with sperm, becomes semen.
A man’s prostate gland typically starts to enlarge after he reaches 40 years of age.
According to statistics, the prevalence of BPH is approximately 10% for men in their 30s and 20% for men in their 40s.
By age 60, over 50 percent of men will have some signs of this condition. By age 85, about 90 percent of men will have signs of BPH.
According to a 2012 report in The Lancet, in 2010, BPH affected 210 million men worldwide.
Although the precise cause is unknown, changes in male sex hormones may be a factor.
For instance, studies show that there is a high correlation between dihydrotestosterone levels in the blood and enlarged prostates.
Risk Factors
Risk factors for BPH include:
- lifestyle – being obese or overweight increases the risk of this condition while practicing regular moderate physical exercise can lower your risk;
- heart disease and type 2 diabetes – according to recent research, having heart disease or diabetes might substantially increase the risk for this condition;
- family history – having a blood relative, like – a brother or a father with BPH, means you are more likely to have similar problems;
- aging – this condition rarely causes symptoms in men younger than 40.
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Common symptoms may include:
- leaking of urine;
- a weak or slow urinary stream;
- a strong and sudden desire to urinate, particularly at night;
- more frequent urination;
- blood in the urine;
- a feeling of incomplete bladder emptying;
- an urgency to urinate;
- difficulty starting urination;
- straining to urinate;
- continued dribbling of urine;
- returning to urinate again minutes after finishing;
- a urinary stream that starts and stops.
The complications of benign prostatic hyperplasia may include the following:
- bladder stones (hard masses of minerals in your bladder);
- acute urinary retention;
- kidney damage;
- chronic urinary retention;
- bladder damage;
- urinary tract infections;
- blood in the urine.
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The diagnosis of BPH is undertaken through the following exams and tests:
- trans-rectal ultrasound;
- complete physical examination;
- cystoscopy;
- a digital rectal examination;
- prostate-specific antigen blood test;
- evaluation of personal medical history;
- urinalysis and urine culture;
- test to measure the urine flow rate;
- post-void residual urine test.
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Spiritual Meaning of Prostate Problems (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia)
This type of medical problem indicates that you consciously have internalized many false judgments and opinions.
You believe in failure and the aging process as well as in giving up important life purposes.
Your pessimistic attitude often makes you blame others for your problems.
Also, sexual tension and unconscious feelings play an important role in the development of this condition.
If you learn to accept masculine creative energy in all areas of your life, you will be able to enjoy sex again.
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Avoid Cow’s Milk
Reduce the amount of cow’s milk and dairy products (like – milk, cakes, cheese, butter, ice cream, milk chocolate, and yogurt) you consume each day since, according to research, men who consume the most dairy products have the highest risk of prostate problems.
Sesame Seeds
Men with benign prostatic hyperplasia have lower zinc levels in their bodies, occasionally up to 75% lower than men with healthy prostates.
Sesame seeds are very high in zinc, an essential mineral to the health of the prostate.
Other foods rich in zinc include:
- apricots;
- peaches;
- prunes;
- wheat germ;
- pumpkin seeds;
- sunflower seeds;
- cashew nuts;
- pecans;
- pine nuts;
- Brazil nuts;
- oats;
- oat bran;
- almonds;
- chia seeds;
- chickpeas;
- flax seeds;
- walnuts.
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Physical Exercise
Even a small amount of physical exercise, such as resistance and aerobic exercises, can considerably reduce urinary problems caused by a BPH.
In addition, exercise can even prevent this problem.
Low-Fat Diet
Men who ate the highest amount of fat (from animal products, like – meats, dairy products, and eggs, as well as vegetable oils, like omega 3 oils and margarine) each day had a substantially increased risk of prostate problems.
It is better to have a regular diet high in dietary fiber, with foods including – red kidney beans, navy beans, zucchini, broccoli, red cabbage, turnips, carrots, kale, spinach, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, cranberries, bananas, mangoes, papayas, pineapples, apples, pears, garlic, turmeric, red grapes, or red onion.
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Prof. V.Verma
Friday 7th of February 2020
I take 2-3 buds of raw garlic with warm water as first thing in the morning after brushing the teeth. Besides, I take 4-5 almonds and a piece of dried fig and apricot (soaked in water on the previous night) still I have developed Prostrate enlargement ( which I feel due to slowing down of urine stream, dribbling of urine after urination etc). Besides, I am developing the problem of erectile dysfunction. Please advise authentic and effective treatment. I am 65 years old