What is the daily biorhythm of internal organs?
Did you know that our organs do not always work with the same intensity, but they have a fluctuating activity associated with periods of rest?
This way, the blood in the body is selectively directed to certain organs, depending on their biorhythm, but also on the human’s activity at the time.
There is much information on the body’s biorhythm, but much less on the internal organs.
In the book called “Aus eigener Kraft” Johanna Paungger and Thomas Poppe wrote a detailed description of the biorhythm of our internal organs’ functions.
The authors state that each of the body’s organs has a maximum activity of 2 hours per day, as follows:
Gallbladder (23:00-1:00)
Liver (1:00-3:00)
Lungs (3: 00-5:00)
Large intestine (5:00-7:00)
Stomach (7:00-9:00)
Spleen and pancreas (9:00-11:00)
Heart (11:00-13:00)
Small intestine (13:00-15:00)
Bladder (15:00-17:00)
Kidneys (17:00-19:00)
Blood circulation (19:00-21:00)
Let’s try to analyze the Biorhythm of Internal Organs, from the authors’ point of view, a day of our lives!
It’s very important how we get up in the morning. If we tried to notice what animals do in the morning, we would find that the first stretch, slowly starting a new day.
Let’s take the example of animals and try to wake up in the morning as calmly as possible, giving ourselves a few moments of relaxation before any daily activity.
Many people wake up holding their breath and fearing that they have no time to do everything set for that day. It is advisable to wake up a little earlier than we usually do, in order to feel the stillness before the day starts.
Between 7.00 and 9.00, the functions of the stomach are at the maximum, so we must take breakfast leisurely. We should take into account the quality and quantity of the food we eat at this meal.
Do not drink coffee on an empty stomach! A warm tea for breakfast is a relief for the stomach.
Also, during this period there is an increased level of testosterone, the male hormone responsible for morning erections in men.
Intense exercises are not recommended at this moment of the day.
Spleen and pancreas
Between 9:00-11:00, the spleen and pancreas are working hard, while the stomach is resting. During this time, it is recommended not to eat indigestible foods. The pancreas is the one that controls blood sugar levels. It is better not to eat too many sweets, not to force the pancreas’ function.
The spleen is the “cemetery of thrombocytes” and if it does not function correctly, the level of thrombocytes from the blood can be disrupted.
Warning: You are not allowed alcohol at all between these hours! Avoid physical exercise, while availability for learning and intellectual strain is at its maximum!
Between 11.00 and 13.00, the activity of the heart is at full capacity. During this time heavy meals are not recommended, as they require additional energy consumption, which will be taken out of the energy the heart needs for its intense activity.
Although the heart works well, physical exercise should be moderate due to lower brain oxygenation. Also, most cases of strokes occur at this time of day.
Small intestine
It has an intense activity between 13:00 to 15:00. The authors state that it was often noticed that a part-time employee works as much as a full-time employee. Why? Because the body’s working capacity is lower after 13 o’clock, especially after a hearty lunch.
The activity of the small intestine, with an important role in the digestion process, is guided by the vegetative nervous system, which can be blocked or disturbed by stress or nervousness. For this reason, it is recommended that lunch should be taken in silence.
Starting these hours of the day, muscular tone increases and the body becomes inclined to exercise.
Between 15:00 and 17:00 the bladder works at its maximum. It plays an important role in the detoxification of the body, together with the kidneys. This can be accelerated with the help of diuretic teas, which have maximum effect if they are drunk until 19:00 o’clock. Moreover, physical activity is even indicated, especially between these hours.
Between 17:00 and 19:00, the kidneys work intensely. If during this time you have both a diuretic tea and a relaxing massage, there will be more efficient detoxification of the body. After 19:00 it’s better not to drink too many fluids before night sleep.
Blood circulation and the triple energizer
It has an intense activity between 19:00 and 21:00. From 21:00 to 23:00 there is an intense accumulation of energy in the body. The Chinese named these 2 hours of energy recovery after a meridian of the body, “triple energizer.”
Those who are sensitive to cold during this period, those who can sleep only in a heated room should not ignore this signal. Somewhere there is a physical or emotional imbalance created that needs attention.
The triple energizer is responsible for calming the body, slowing functions, and preparing for sleep. During this time, there is a variation of hormones, which is an important period for endocrinologists. It is therefore indicated that between these hours to go to bed, to let the body begin its rest properly.
Between 23.00 and 1.00 the gallbladder’s functions are intense. It is an organ that helps digestion with its secretions and may cause great problems to the entire body if it doesn’t work properly.
Those who wake up frequently at night during this period must wonder if somehow there may be a gallbladder or liver dysfunction. Stress and eating fried and fatty foods in the evening prevent the proper functioning of the gallbladder.
Wet and warm compresses applied to the liver are beneficial during this time. Hot tea, especially wormwood tea, used 20 minutes before meals in small sips, helps activate the gallbladder. Radish juice also helps.
Decongestion of the large intestine is of great importance and if not naturally done, it may cause some serious problems, in which case enemas are recommended.
In this time period, cold foods and drinks should be avoided as much as possible.
If there are problems in the functioning of the liver and gallbladder, the work carried out during the night is very harmful, as the two organs cannot recover.
There are still 6 hours to go in the night in order to end the internal organs’ cycle of functioning during one day.
The liver works at full capacity between 1.00 am and 3.00 am.
Did you know that the liver has over 500 functions in the body? Unfortunately, the damage of the liver is felt only in advanced stages, when the liver strains the capsule that covers it. This capsule is innervated and hurts.
The liver can recover under certain conditions: resting through sleep and good body heat, as they are extremely important in the recovery process. Liver function suffers from the increased toxicity of certain foods, alcohol, nicotine, and stress.
Remember that alcohol and nicotine have a much more damaging effect between 1:00 am and 5:00 am.
Between 3:00 am and 5:00 am it is the lungs’ turn to work hard. Many smokers are coughing intensely as they wake up, because the lungs have worked all night and in the morning they are expectorating substances that are not supposed to be inside the lungs.
Large Intestine
Between 5.00 am and 7.00 am, the large intestine has its maximum function. The food remains in the small intestine for about 2 hours and in the large intestine even for 20 hours. Liquid stool indicates digestion problems in the small intestine, while constipation reveals an increased toxicity level in the body.
In this time frame there is also a “spike” of cortisol, the hormone that wakes us up, also called the “stress hormone”, because its secretion is very sensitive to stress.
Chase away old age!
In this short trip through our body’s working system during a day, I have tried to present, with the help of the two authors, some aspects of our inner clock. Knowledge of these rhythms makes us trust our instincts, acting properly in order to help the body functions.
It’s very important not to feel that we are getting old along with age, for the good condition of the intellect, ability to work and love considerably postpone the aging process. Let us crush prejudices and start to listen to our inner clock and try to adapt to its pace!
There are people who created immortal works of art at the age of 80, but also young people in their 30s that await resignedly their pension.
Daily life shows us that happiness is not related to age and wealth, but to inner peace, the satisfaction of the accomplished work, regardless of the surrounding world.
Our thoughts may not always change the outside world, but the inner world can change in a split second, if we have the will and the desire to do it. Let’s not forget that keeping the pace with novelty maintains our youth, while conservatism generally brings old age.
Power of the mind
Many people wonder what happens to the human body, its organs’ rhythms, during journeys that involve changing the time zones. In this case, when we get to a country where the sun is up in the sky, while our inner clocks signal bedtime, organs’ functions are turned upside down, taking several days until they can return to a functional balance.
It’s good to know our own body so that we can seek our own way of overcoming this adaptation period as soon as possible.
Some of these problems are based on our own mental activity. Many people who do not care about time zones and long journeys, along and across the globe, seem to master the art of feeling at home anywhere.
They are the ones who succeed in changing the body’s rhythms the fastest. They are the people who travel light all their lives, both in their bags and their heart.
Image credit – Shutterstock
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Henry Slank
Sunday 6th of November 2016
it helps a lot to know these things
Thursday 16th of April 2015
Very interesting indeed. Are these based on average sleeping patterns? I'm wondering if say a late shift worker with opposite sleeping patterns would have did set up. (I'm a night owl myself, sleep 2x 4 hours)
Monday 20th of April 2015
Hey Ian. Sorry for the late response. Our body's biorhythm is the same, it doesn't matter how and when we sleep. However, from my experience, the best sleep is between 10 pm and 2 am. Have a good day!