A cataract is a progressive, painless clouding of the natural, internal lens of the eye.
It affects more than 24 million people in the US over the age of 40, and it is the leading cause of blindness in the world.
By age 80, more than 50 percent of the people either have already undergone eye surgery in one or both eyes or have some degree of cataract.
This eye condition is caused most commonly by aging.
However, it can be present at birth, it may also occur following eye surgery for other problems, because of radiation exposure or trauma, or due to other medical conditions, like type 2 diabetes mellitus.
Other causes which may increase your likelihood of getting this disease include air pollution, cigarette smoke, and heavy drinking.
- colors may look less clear or faded;
- poor night vision and difficulty seeing in low light situations;
- occasionally, it can cause double vision, and the patient may frequently need to change his eyeglasses prescriptions or contact lens;
- seeing “halos” around lights;
- sufferers may also find it harder to see in a very bright light.
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Spiritual Meaning of Cataracts
When you have a cataract, your vision of the world is diminished, and things cannot be seen clearly.
Practically, you refuse to see certain things, and you keep a distance between yourself and the environment.
The reason for which the three-dimensional vision has been diminished is to help you stop looking only at the external outline of things.
Therefore, if the future looks dark, look inside until you find the stream of light. Then, it will shed light on the gray aspect of the outside world, just as the sun shines upon a tarnished day.
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It refers to the capacity to see some colors but not others. People suffering from this eye condition commonly have no other vision problems; plus, they have excellent vision.
The majority of affected people are males.
Red-green colorblindness – red and green colors might look the same (generally inherited from a grandfather to his grandson) – is the most frequent form of colorblindness (approximately 8% of men with northern European ancestry have this condition), followed by blue-yellow color blindness (deuteranopia).
Deuteranopia is a more severe and less common form of color vision deficiency that severely reduces color vision and causes very poor visual acuity.
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- this eye condition generally occurs because of congenital disability and is usually present at the time of birth;
- eye problems, including – chronic alcoholism, macular degeneration, glaucoma, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease (which leads to memory loss and the decline of other thinking skills), cataracts, Parkinson’s disease, or diabetic retinopathy.
- incapacity to tell the difference between shades of the same or similar colors;
- difficulty distinguishing between colors.
Spiritual Meaning Of Dyschromatopsia
If you are unable to see the diversity of the colors of life, open your eyes again to the unity that underlies the relationship between all things and take a look at the world again.
You will realize how much joy and pleasure you can find in the diversity of life.
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Hyperopia (Farsightedness)

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Hyperopia means you can clearly see things that are far away; however, the things which are close-up are blurry. Unlike myopia (nearsightedness), which usually first appears in childhood, this condition tends to develop in older adults.
For instance, after age 60, the majority of people have some difficulty seeing close-up details clearly.
Also, the majority of children are born with some degree of farsightedness; nevertheless, this usually corrects itself by age 5. As an interesting note, children who may appear to lack an interest in reading quite commonly turn out to have this eye condition.
There are various options available for farsightedness treatment, from traditional corrective lenses (by adjusting the focusing power to the retina) to laser-assisted refractive surgery.
While laser eye surgery can help many individuals who suffer from this condition, it is not recommended for individuals with extreme hyperopia.
This vision problem commonly occurs when light rays are entering the eye focus behind the retina (the light-sensitive tissue lining the back of the eye) rather than directly on it.
This happens when the eyeball is too short, which actually prevents incoming light from focusing directly on the retina. Additionally, this condition may be caused by an abnormal shape of the lens or cornea.
- you have eyestrain, including aching in or around the eyes, and burning eyes;
- difficulty focusing on close up objects, like a book, computer, or a pen;
- esotropia – the crossing of the eyes in children;
- headache or fatigue after you do a close-up task, like – reading.
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Spiritual Meaning of Hyperopia (Farsightedness)
This problem usually occurs at an advanced age. It is an indicator to see life as a whole and not to remain trapped in trivialities.
Follow the advice that your eyes give you.
Images credit – Shutterstock & Getty Images
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Friday 6th of September 2024
I do have a cataracts but I don't want to go to the clinic what can I do to get rid of it
Thursday 12th of September 2019
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Friday 13th of September 2019
Yes, but with plenty of water.