The spiritual meaning of allergies. What is the spiritual meaning of an itchy tongue? And, what is the spiritual meaning of hives?
Allergy involves an exaggerated response of the immune system, usually to common substances.
Substances that cause allergic reactions are called allergens.
Common allergens include:
- foods (fish, eggs, peanuts, milk, tree nuts, wheat, soy, and shellfish);
- pollen;
- pet dander;
- dust mites;
- household chemicals;
- some medications (antibiotics, aspirin, ibuprofen);
- mold;
- bee venom.
According to statistics, over 30% of adults and 40% of children in the US have allergies. One estimate of the annual cost of allergies to the businesses and healthcare system in the United States is $18 billion.
More than 150 million people in the European Union suffer from chronic allergic diseases.
More importantly, the current prediction is that by 2025 about fifty percent of the entire EU population will be affected by some type of allergy.
Common symptoms may include:
- watery, red, or swollen eyes (conjunctivitis);
- sneezing;
- tingling in the mouth;
- hives;
- itching of the eyes, nose, skin, or roof of the mouth;
- a stuffy nose;
- swelling of the tongue, lips, face, or throat;
- shortness of breath;
- a large area of swelling at the sting site;
- chest tightness;
- a cough;
- red skin.
Some types of allergies can trigger a life-threatening reaction known as anaphylaxis.
Signs and symptoms of anaphylaxis include:
- vomiting;
- loss of consciousness;
- nausea;
- a rapid pulse;
- lightheadedness;
- skin rash;
- severe shortness of breath;
- a drop in blood pressure.
Spiritual Meaning of Allergies (general)
Allergy is a reaction of the body’s immune system to a substance that has been declared “enemy,” and since then, it symbolizes an aspect of the individual that has been rejected or repressed.
Fighting an enemy that we’ve created is always an act of aggression, an unconscious struggle against an area of life that we fear or do not want to maintain in our lives.
Resistance is the opposite of love, and for love, acceptance becomes a whole. The substance that caused the allergic reaction is a symbol of the area you are ignoring and fighting unconsciously.
If you experience allergic symptoms, it’s time to ask yourself what the symbolic enemy is trying to tell you. What aspects of life do you try to suppress or repress?
Try to take a conscious look at the things you fear unconsciously and notice the resistance to them, as well as the fear and aggression of the self.
Genuine healing of allergies will only be possible if you are able to integrate the aspects you repressed as enemies consciously.
Spiritual Meaning of Pollen Allergy
Pollen allergy is caused by a resistance to a situation in your life, a past memory, or even a side of your personality.
It can also be a resistance and a non-acceptance of the passage of time, which is especially noticeable when changing the season, the moment when allergy reappears.
Spiritual Meaning of Sun Allergy
Sun allergy is a term used to describe several conditions in which an itchy red rash occurs on the skin that has been exposed to sunlight.
An allergic reaction to the sun indicates that your relationship with your father (both physically and spiritually) is a source of suffering for you.
It can also represent a refusal to accept your “Inner Father.”
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Spiritual Meaning Of Allergic Reactions to Antibiotics
Antibiotics are powerful medicines that kill bacteria or slow their growth.
The term “antibiotic” is made up of the words anti = against and bios = life.
These are drugs that work against life. They also kill something inside you.
A reaction to antibiotics is an indication that you must accept all aspects of life, even if they take the form of tension or conflict.
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Spiritual Meaning Of Dust Mite Allergy
Dust mite allergy is an allergic reaction to tiny bugs that commonly live in house dust.
This type of allergy indicates a fear of all the things you feel are impure and dirty, a fear which often projects into sexuality.
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Spiritual Meaning Of Cat Allergies
Cat allergy in humans is an allergic reaction to one or more allergens produced by cats.
A cat symbolizes the most feminine aspects of sexuality and qualities such as gentleness and tenderness. If you are allergic to cats, you may have problems in this area.
Spiritual Meaning Of Horse Allergy
Horses represent the instinctual part of sexuality.
If you are allergic to horses, it may mean that you are afraid of your sexual instincts. Again, physical problems indicate the place where one can find the truth.
Breastfeed Your Infant
Infections that start in the lungs are common triggers of asthma.
Breastfeeding for at least two years strengthens a child’s immune system, and, in the long term, it is helpful in avoiding asthma.
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Physical Exercise
Any type of physical activity produces adrenaline, a natural way to relieve a stuffy nose.
However, exercising outdoors may expose you to more mold spores or pollen.
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Reduce Your Stress Levels
Stress can also trigger flare-ups of seasonal respiratory allergies.
Proper methods to de-stress, include – deep breathing exercises, mindfulness meditating, Tai Chi, and yoga.
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Don’t Smoke
Smoking is bad for your health.
This is not news. However, what many people don’t realize is that smoking can also trigger allergies and worsen existing allergies.
The smoke from cigarettes contains billions of tiny particles, including dust, pollen, and other irritants.
When you inhale these particles, they can cause an allergic reaction, leading to symptoms like sneezing, itching, and watery eyes.
If you have asthma, smoking can also trigger an asthma attack.
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Research done at Monash University concluded that a high-fiber diet changes the gut flora to protect against food allergies.
Other prevention methods include:
- regularly wiping surfaces with a damp, clean cloth to reduce dust mites and mold. However, avoid dry dusting since it can spread dust into the air. It is recommended to use mineral oil, baking soda, vinegar, or club soda to clean instead of using harsher cleaning solutions which can produce allergic reactions;
- preventing anyone from smoking anywhere near you, particularly in your car and home;
- use a vacuum cleaner fitted with a HEPA (high-efficiency particulate air) filter, since it can trap more dust mites than normal vacuum cleaners;
- avoiding allergen substances that you know you are allergic to;
- avoid having indoor plants;
- keeping windows closed during the pollen season, particularly on dry, windy days.
Images credit – Shutterstock
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Tuesday 20th of December 2022
The example of the nut/food allergy may be relevant to adults who develop it later in life but what about the majority people like myself who were born with anaphylaxis?
Friday 11th of August 2023
@Anon, that’s what we call « intergenerational trauma »