Meditation for Emotional Healing – Self Healing Meditation
Painful experiences of life, starting from childhood (in fact, they are the foundation of all the pain that we carry, more or less aware, during our lifetime) breathe with us …
Painful experiences of life, starting from childhood (in fact, they are the foundation of all the pain that we carry, more or less aware, during our lifetime) breathe with us …
Earth Star chakra supports the root (Muladhara) chakra. It is not a part of the physical body like the primary seven chakras. It is a part of the etheric body. …
The idea behind karma is not only found in Hinduism and Buddhism; it seems that the Bible certainly conveys the same essence, even though here God is the medium that links actions …
Most of us are awash with negative thoughts. Even ones that seem positive, like ”I’m so great because I just got a new car,” are really negative thoughts in disguise …
Best 11 Podcasts For The Spiritually Curious #1 You Are Worthy Of Love by Rishma Petraglia Rishma Petraglia is an author, love coach, Reiki Master, and former matchmaker, who is …
List Of 15 Mystical Places In Asia You Should Visit: #1 Mount Kailash – Tibet Mount Kailash is located in Burang County, in the far southwestern Tibet. The name derives …
Monks and yogis often spend some time meditating, as Buddhists have done since the very beginning, in graveyards, charnel grounds, or places where the bodies of the dead are compassionately …
List Of The Best 30 Books on Spiritual Enlightenment: #1 Way of the Peaceful Warrior: A Book That Changes Lives by Dan Millman ”Way of the Peaceful Warrior” is a …
Navratri is one of the most famous of all Hindu festivals. “Nav” translates as ”nine” and “ratri” translates as ”night”, thus ”Navratri festival” means a festival spread over nine nights …
Another good way to have lucid dreams is the Wake-Back-To-Bed Technique or WBTB. It involves waking up for a few minutes between sleep hours in order to increase your chances …
WILD (Wake Induced Lucid Dream) is one of the most powerful ways to have a lucid dream. This method works best after a good sleep for about 6-10 hours. So, …
What is mnemonic induction of lucid dreams or the M.I.L.D. technique? Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams was developed by prof. Stephen LaBerge in his doctoral thesis carried on lucid dreaming. …