11 Celtic Symbols And Their Meanings
The Celts were a group of peoples loosely tied by similar religions, languages, and cultural expressions. Over the 500 or so years leading up to the first Roman invasion, a …
The Celts were a group of peoples loosely tied by similar religions, languages, and cultural expressions. Over the 500 or so years leading up to the first Roman invasion, a …
Kriya (“kree-yah”) is a symbol in Karuna Reiki, a system of Reiki that was created by Reiki Master William Lee Rand in 1995. Reiki was discovered by Dr. Mikao Usui, …
The astral body (also called “The Emotional Body”) is one of 7 bodies each of us has. It is the instrument of emotions, passions, and desires and is the medium …
List Of 50 Biblical Baby Girl Names and Their Meanings: #1 Abigail In the Old Testament, Abigail was the 3rd wife of King David. The name means ”my father is …
Trataka is known as the meditation of the third eye. The concept of Kundalini energy exists in the beliefs of Tantra and Hatha Yoga. We know that there are seven …
The essence of Buddhism is the Three Jewels of the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha. Still, many lay people have erroneous ideas about the importance of the refuge ceremony. In fact, …
Shamanism is a universal spiritual practice that was practiced by our ancient ancestors all over the world. The shaman’s purpose is to heal and restore balance to her or his …
What Is A Medium? Everyone who feels to some extent the influence of spirits can be considered a medium. This capacity is inherent to man and, as a consequence, is …
Give up all negative actions, Fulfill perfectly what is good and Harness your mind. This is the teaching of Buddha. The first three verses contain The Three Pathways of Buddhist …
What Is An Ambivert? Introversion and extraversion describe how a person directs their energy either outwardly toward activities and people or inwardly toward ideas and thoughts. Introversion can be summed …
A long time ago, Reiki was a natural healing technique in the East, one of the oldest and most effective methods of maintaining a healthy body. Some historians believe that …
The practice of shamanism is found all over the world in a variety of different cultures, from the mountainous regions of Mongolia to the jungles of South America. The word …