What are Samsara and Nirvana in Buddhism?
What are Samsara and Nirvana in Buddhism? Introduction Buddhists intent upon the road to Liberation are more concerned with the “hows” of practice than with the “whys” of existence. The …
What are Samsara and Nirvana in Buddhism? Introduction Buddhists intent upon the road to Liberation are more concerned with the “hows” of practice than with the “whys” of existence. The …
What are the benefits of Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose? Introduction Siddhasana or Accomplished Pose is an asana, also called as ardha – padmasana where ardha is a Sanskrit word for …
What is The Law of Karma and Causality Principle? The impetus that impels a human being to pass from round to round of birth and death is given by karmic force. …
What Is a Mantra? Introduction Mantras, simply defined as mystical „formulas”, are sonorous expressions of subtle cosmic forces, allowing access to the ineffable reality that it designates. The mantras become effective …
What is the Atman definition In Hinduism? Questions about Atman remember me of a story told by an Indian master. A man was running on the village streets and screaming: …
The deepest question: Who Am I? Going through life and while on the way to the evolution of the soul, I have noticed a lot of confusion. This confusion also …
How Do Destructive Emotions Affect Us? An emotion is something that conditions the mind and makes it adopt a certain perspective or vision of things. Trying to define an emotion …
What is the spiritual meaning of the pelican? Introduction Our world is full of all kinds of birds, some of these birds have been honored by mankind and made to …
List Of 60 Beautiful & Inspiring Quotes About Home: #1 ”If Home is where the heart is then may your Home be blessed.” – John McLeod #2 ”Home is a …
Gaslighting is the act of manipulating an individual by forcing them to question their memories, thoughts, and the events occurring around them. Origin The term is derived from the 1944 …
What is Samatha Meditation? Samatha is the Pali word that translates in English as “tranquility meditation,” which reflects its calm abiding meaning. The term is also expressed through the Tibetan word …
“Fear of death is caused by fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.” – Mark Twain What is Thanatophobia – Fear Of Death? …